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The wedding is tomorrow and I'm nervous. Marriage is for life and Tristan is about to be my husband for life.

I look over at Tristan's cold face once more and like it even more. Though he has never truly smiled in my presence, I can tell when he does it'll be a beautiful sight which I shall treasure.

"Why are you staring at me?" He whispers picking up his drink and looking at me.

"I can not look at my intended? Because that will be a great shame." I retort copying him and taking a sip of my own drink.

"You know what I mean, Cassandra. What is on your mind?" He asks taking me by shock which I mask quickly

"You don't care, Tristan." I tell him and he raises his eyebrow

"If I asked, I want an answer. Do you think I talk for fun?"

His eyes looked serious which was unnerving. "You don't usually ask me. I usually just tell you, much to your annoyance, which has made me think that you don't care."

He puts down his wine and stares even deeper into my soul. "I'm trying." He whispers

He claimed to have been trying before but he still was very standoffish.


"You could have crippled Lysa. You were well within your rights to do so but you spared her." He explains, "It got me thinking that maybe you aren't as bad as I originally thought."

Well, I haven't spared her at all but it's better if Tristan thinks I have nothing to do with her upcoming hanging. That one of his guards told on him instead of me.

Finally I'm playing the game right.

"I've been trying to tell you that this whole time." I reply and he shrugged his shoulders

"What can I tell you? I'm stubborn."

I roll my eyes, "Well so am I. Meaning this is heading for impeding doom or it may actually work out."

"And here I thought you worshiped chaos." He quipped turning away from me towards the music festivities

"Like I've said before, you don't know me very well."

I face forwards and catch the eye of Lysa who is watching us intently next to her soon to be husband so I raise my cup to her which just seems to get her pissed off as she gets up and leaves.

"No, you're just petty." Tristan comments as he sees Lysa leaves and I grin at him

"To the bone."

"Prince Tristan," Klaus voice makes us both look at him as he walks closer to the Royal panel. I can sense that Tristan doesn't like my uncle so this can go two ways. "I've heard many things about you during the war, I'm glad my niece has a strong husband to protect her."

That was civil of my Uncle. I'm glad he's actually trying for peace.

"She is to be my wife, I will protect her till death, though she can handle herself with a sword." Was Tristan's response and even with our differences I know he means it.

Klaus grins looking at me, "I taught her that. Her father said he would kill himself before anything ever happens to Cassie so she had to learn."

"Well you did a great job." Tristan replies curtly not giving room for the conversation to continue.

I look at my uncle with tight lips showing this isn't going to go anywhere until he shows remorse.

Klaus holds onto the belt where his sword is and clears his throat, "Since we are going to become family tomorrow, I wish to not go into it with the same animosity we have had for each other." He starts which makes me glad considering that I had to talk him down from restarting the war. "I understand you may never truly like me for what I did but we can try to be civil for the sake of the Union."

It would have helped if uncle had at least apologised for executing Reema himself and putting her head on a spike outside the castle walls for all to see but I know he is not sorry and he never says words he does not truly mean.

"Civil." Tristan echoed as if it pained him for uncle to even suggest it.

I put my hand over his, "Tristan, he is trying. We are all trying here, do you want to start another war because we did not try?" I whisper so that no one can hear

"I will not be civil wish such a man," he whispers back to me, "He executed my sister. The only reason he has not met the same fate is because he will be my uncle by law tomorrow."

"Exactly, we are to be family. Families try to at least speak to each other once in a while. That is all he is asking. You do not have to like him, just be able to sit in the same room and converse without it being strained."

Tristan stares at me for a moment, I can tell he wants to say forget it and to move on with the same hostility but instead he looks at my uncle, "Cassandra once told me your sister was the light of Highland."

He remembered that? I thought he had forgotten everything we discussed in Red Calf with the way he behaves.

Klaus nods his head, "She was."

"Reema was the light of Aliria for me." Tristan relates, "You took away that light and it has been darkness ever since." He explains, "We have both lost sisters in this war, I'm sure they do not want us to join them just yet. For that reason, I will be civil. I still do not like you but I can tolerate your presence the same way you tolerate mine."

Klaus looks at me impressed before turning to Tristan once more. "Cassie did say you are a good person. Thank you, your grace."

Klaus bows before leaving and I smile at Tristan. "Thank you."

"Please, do not mention it." He tells me, "Ever."

We fell into a comfortable silence once more

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