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Tristan spent the next day with Lysa.

I don't know how Uther has let it happen but I'm sure even if he has suspicions, he can't go against his Prince.

I made sure to meet their carriage earlier than the rest of the party. Today is the day I put an end to this Lysa and Tristan debacle because I've quite frankly had enough of playing the game.

Jorah was the first one to notice me. "Your grace," He bows, "I was upset you didn't come to find me during my stay."

I feed him the same robotic smile, "I apologise but Tristan wants to show me the lands himself." I lie but it got Lysa thinking, I could see it in her eyes. "I just came to bid you farewell and to speak to Lady Lysa before you go."

Uther looks at his intended who definitely does not want to speak to me but walks towards me anyway, the brothers continue putting the bags on the adjoining carriage.

I lead her quite the distance away and pulled her into a fake hug to make it seem like I was being nice, "You'll be wise not to respond to any letters Tristan sends you," I whisper in her ear, pulling away from her so my back is facing the brothers.

"If his grace writes I can not ignore it. He's my Prince." She says and I nod my head

"And I'm going to be your Princess." I remind her, "I don't need you posing a constant reminder to him of what he once had."

Her lips fell into a straight line, "I understand you don't understand the nature of our relationship but I-"

"I understand quite well, Lysa." I interrupt, "You seduced him whilst he was mourning his sister which was such an evil thing to do on your side. It made me wonder, did Reema know of you little crush on her brother? I heard she quite disliked it when people used her to get to him. I guess you didn't have to worry about that now she's dead."

She tensed her jaw, "Reema was my best friend."

"And you were the whore who was lusting after her brother." I retort quite bored of this conversation, "Yes, I know the story."

"Why are you still doing this?" She asks with narrowed eyes, "You're getting what you wanted, I have to leave to Umber of all places and get married."

"I'm saving you." I say honestly rubbing her exposed arm to mock affection, "I told you what would happen if you continued with my intended and you didn't want to heed my warning, sending you away is for the best. I don't like having blood on my hands."

"His grace would have never allowed it." She says strongly like she had some sort of validation, "Tristan loves me."

I give her a small smile, "Will someone who loves you climb into bed with me naked the first night you were away from one another?" I ask twisting the truth and with the way her eye twitched I can tell he didn't tell her, "Oh, Tristan didn't tell you?"

She took in a deep breath before smiling, "You're lying."

"He has a birthmark right next to his manhood." I recall and her confident smile drops, "I never lie and I'm not empty with my threats either."

I see Tristan and the Queen making their way towards us so I decided to wrap this up.

"You need to understand your place Lysa. All you and Tristan have holding you together is a girl that died three years ago. I'm a Princess, I was one before I met him and I will be after I marry him. You are nothing and will always be nothing." I added a smile to the end of my sentence once again as they came closer, I pulled her into another hug, "Safe travels my dear."

"Lady Lysa," Marcella says and Lysa is almost too rattled to bow but she does rather slowly. "Umber will do you nicely, Lord Uther is a good boy."

"Thank you, your grace." She utters and Tristan tries to reach for her arm but like the good girl she is, she moves it away. "I will see you again at the wedding." She says before walking back towards her intended and getting into the carriage.

I sneak a look at Tristan who looks very confused, I'm sure they had just woken up together in his bed this morning so he must be wondering what has changed.

He caught o very quickly because he looked down at me with a menacing gleam in his eye. "What did you say to her?"

"I just reminded her that we all must understand our place in the world, your grace." I reply with a smile as the horse started rearing, "Now, smile and wave as your whore leaves."

I waved my hand and waved gracefully to Jorah who was peaking his head out the window.

"Do as she says Tristan." His mother encouraged, herself waving them goodbye but Tristan keeps the grim look on his face once more and leaves our presence.

Sighing, Marcella looks to me and takes my arm in with hers. "I hope sending away Lysa will help you in some way."

"It should." I reply, "We were honestly getting along in the Red Calf, a few days longer with no reminder of her we would have been very close by the time we came back here."

"Her staying was always going to pose a problem." Marcella tells me honestly, "It is a good thing the girl is infertile otherwise Tristan would have had many bastards by now."

I lick my lips. Three years they have been together. Celia told me they didn't start properly sleeping with each other until a year ago but it's a long three years of manipulation.

"You wed Uther to an infertile girl?" I ask confused, "The poor man will never have an heir."

"His house deserves it after their plot to betray us during the war." Marcella says, "I never forget anything when it comes to my families wellbeing."

That made me feel a little uneasy considering my uncle is to come to the wedding and my uncle killing her only daughter.

"I never apologised to you for the atrocities my family did to yours during the war." I reply sincerely, "If I could bring back your daughter I would."

"If I could bring back your mother, I would do the same." Marcella agrees, stopping walking and walking in front of me, "When two leaders of powerful Kingdoms go to war, atrocities such as those we experienced are the result of it. Hence why this Union between yourself and my son is of upmost importance. No one wants any more bloodshed, Cassandra."

I knew there was a reason why I liked this woman other than her helping me on numerous things. She's such a smart, calculating woman. A great Queen.

I nod my head in agreement to her statement. "His Majesty the King and Tristan do not see things our way."

"Men have always been the lesser species." Marcella replies, "That's why they always need the council of a smart woman." She informs me, putting her hands on my shoulders, "You remind me of myself, Cassandra. What we had lost in the war, We will gain in this marriage and I will protect you so you never see the sad fate as Reema."

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