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I pull back the drawstring and aim, missing once again.

"Finally something you're not good at." Tristan states, it seemed playful but he was not smiling, like always.

We have spent the day testing me. My skills with a sword, my skills at cooking, my skills at sewing. It's almost as if Tristan was trying to see I'm worthy of his respect or even his time. This was the only thing I do not excel in.

"The only thing, your grace." Christa says to make me feel better but I look at Tristan annoyed.

"And you're so good at a bow and-"

He raised his bow and arrow and released it with minimal effort reaching the target in the middle.

He is a cocky little fellow isn't he. "Must be luck."

He raises his eyebrow and proceeded to shoot three more arrows all hitting the same place. He then turned to look at me, "You were saying?"

"Well if you're not going to help me get better, you're useless to me." I huff slouching slightly

"Bring up your arms higher." He instruct and I follow his words, "Arms tighter." I do as he says once again making him not, "Now shoot."

The arrow at least made it to the board but very far from the target.

"Maybe you should get closer to show her, your grace." Christa suggests and I look at her subtly.

Okay, Christa! Very good girl.

Tristan looked unsure but moved anyway, he went behind me, not too close that I was flush against him but close enough that I could feel his breath on my neck

"Get in the position." He whispers to me which sent shivers down my spine. His voice alone is dangerous.

Once again, I thank the Gods for giving me darker skin so no one would know how much he affects me.

I do as he instructed and his rough calloused hands move my arms to the correct position before they land on my hips.

"Stay firm," He says, he looks at me then the target, "Shoot."

I release the arrow and it lands on the target which makes me break out into a grin and turn to look at Tristan who had removed his hands. "Thank you, your grace."

His eyes followed my lips as I bite them and he immediately looks away, "I suppose you passed my tests."

"Which means what?" I ask handing the bow and arrow to Christa who takes off me.

"Which means I will consider stopping being so mean to you, we may even be civil." He replies and I smile shifting even closer towards him so my breasts were touching his abdomen.

"I'm starting to like you mean." I tell him honestly and he bends down closer to my face.

"Then I haven't been doing it correctly."

Someone cleared their throat making both us turn to look at Jono, Tristan's squire standing in front of us.

"I'm sorry you majesties." Jono says bowing, "We have word from the King, he apologises for cutting this short but one of the noble men has died and we need to confirm his son into the position. The Prince's presence is required."

The new lord will have to pledge allegiance to the King and the Prince at the ceremony which is why Tristan and I will need to come back.

Tristan stands are his full length and nod his head curtly, "When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow at sunrise, so we can be there to greet Lord Uther." Jono instructs, "We will gather your things for you but it's wise to get some sleep now so we can all be prepared for tomorrow."

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