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Sitting next to Tristan and his parents during this big feast I couldn't help but replay what had taken place moments ago.

I never got to ask him why or for him to explain what he's thinking because Christa came in seconds later with a gorgeous dress in her arms.

I don't think my questions would have changed anything. He seemed very serious when he said what he said. In fact, I don't think I've seen him properly smile since I got here.

"You look beautiful, Cassandra." Marcella says taking a sip of her wine, "Alirian Silk looks good on you. Don't you agree, Tristan?"

Tristan looked at me, his eyes sweeping over my body before looking up at my eyes. "I suppose."

The urge to roll my eyes was strong but I withheld myself from doing so. "Thank you, your grace." I smile, "Alirian silk is known throughout the lands, it's an honour to wear it."

Tristan took a large gulp of his wine as if everything I'm saying displeases him. Is there nothing I can do right by this boy?

"Cassandra," Remley's voice pulls me away from my thoughts, "I'd like to introduce you to your ladies that will join you in court, all from very high families in Aliria, they shall serve you well and will provide you some friendship for your time here."

He always makes it seem like I'm only here temporarily when I'm going to be marrying his son. Maybe he knows of Tristan's wishes not to marry me.

5 girls made their way to the middle of the room and bowed in front of us.

"I'm Lady Celia," a red head starts, "This is Lady Nola, the one next to her is Lady Kira, then Lady Lysa and finally Lady Taila." She introduces them and I try to commit all their names to memory. "We all vow to serve you and Prince Tristan to the end of your days."

I smile at them, "Thank you, I was never able to make many friends in Highland and I'm sure we can all become great friends."

They all smiled in response but one, Lady Lysa, has a gleam to her eye that made me uneasy. She looked between myself and Tristan who was sitting next to me and let a subtle frown fall on her face.

Tristan was trying not to have much eye contact with her but I can always spot two lovers from a mile away. My brother Killan use to stare at Melissa that way before she died.

So this is why he doesn't want to marry me. He's in love with another.

Well that gives me mixed feelings. I'm glad it had nothing to do with me passing a test I didn't even know I was taking but I'm upset because I know the poor girl doesn't stand a chance. When I set my mind to doing something, no one can get in my way.

The bowed once more and left, Tristan's eyes following Lysa out of the room.

"Excuse me." He says before getting up and leaving the table.

I follow him with my eyes and see him catch up with the ladies pulling Lysa aside.

He's not even trying to hide it. Any sane person would know what's going on. Or is that just how they do it in Aliria?

"So how are you liking it so far, Princess?" Marcella asks and I smile and nod my head like a robot.

"It's taking a while to get adjusted to the weather. It really is hot all times of the day." I reply and she lets out a little laugh allowing us to fall into easy discourse.


Sleep didn't fall on me that night. My body didn't like that we were in a foreign place with people who killed my mother and will and can easily kill me.

So instead I stayed awake the whole time staring at the foreign ceiling until knocking came on my door to tell me it was time for my bath.

"Do you have training grounds somewhere in the God's eye?" I ask Christa as she tied up my braids together for me

"Yes, your grace, but it's only ever used by the guards." She replies, "I'm sure they will make an exception since you're the Prince's betrothed." I give her another fake smile. "You're lucky to be betrothed to the Prince, your grace."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, your grace. I heard he's quite gentle when he cares for you and a very loyal man, not like the other noblemen." She tells me

He can't be that loyal if he's walking into this room when I'm nearly naked and is with this Lady Lysa.

"Yes I suppose those are qualities one would want in a husband." I reply. She holds my shoulders when she's done and helps me put on the training gear I had packed with me.

I left her and had Rican escort me to the grounds that Christa had told me about. It was empty, Thank the Gods which meant that Rican and I could practice together like we do back home.

His sword hit my shoulder making me back up slightly and then I moved to hit back in response but he easily dodged.

"You're not quick enough." A voice called from behind us and I turned to see a boy who looked a little older than myself walking towards the grounds

"How long have you been watching?" Rican asks

"Long enough to know this little girl isn't quick enough." The boy echos, "If you want to be part of the Kings guard you need to do better than that."

"She's not part of the-"

"Hush, Rican." I stop him, not wanting the boy to know who I am since that usually scares people away. "How can I make myself quicker?"

"Firstly, you need to step out with your leading leg a little more." The boy says picking up one of the swords on the side and pointing it at me, "Try it with me."

"I'm not letting you fight her." Rican interjects

"I'm not going to hurt her." The boy says, "We look out for your prospects here."

I pick my sword, accepting his challenge and do as he says which causes us to go into a battle of sorts, him pointing out my mistakes as I go until my sword is knocked out my hands and he points his sword to my neck.

"Boom, you're dead." He says before grinning at me and dropping the sword. "I'm Evan Black."

Black? That's the last name the bastards are given in Aliria. Most people kill their bastards, only noblemen keep them in case their wives can't have sons.

"Who's your father?" I ask him picking up my sword and passing it to Rican

"The King." Was his reply which made me raise my eyebrows, everyone knew Remley has another son but I just didn't expect him to be here in Gods eye. Maybe after Princess Reema was killed they needed to get all the children under the same roof.

"I didn't see you yesterday at the feast." I reply and he frowns in return

"Queen Marcella offered but I didn't want to go- wait you're a noblewoman?" He asks, "I'm sorry for being so rough with you, my Lady."

I smile genuinely, "There's no need to apologise, we were training, that's what happens when you train." I say, "I'm Cassandra."

His face dropped and he bowed instantly, "Princess, I'm sorry I didn't know it was you."

Great, I should have probably used a different name. "Come on, get up. You're the only one who has treated me normally since I got here, don't act different now."

"It's just, you're a Princess. You're going to be married to my brother. I should've been more careful with you, you're going to unite the kingdoms." He reiterates finally bring his head up to look at me in the eyes once more.

He and Tristan must not talk much if he thinks I'm going to marry his brother.

"You didn't know." I remind him, taking my braids out of the pony tail they were in.

"There must be something I can do to make it up to you."

He's not going to let this go. I think on for it a while before deciding. "I have been wanting a tour of the castle."

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