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The houses under Remley's rule were all coming in for the wedding.

Tristan, Marcella, Remley and I have been sitting and greeting them for the better half of an hour.

I had always wondered how my brother and father sat on a throne during long processions like this and I now know it's horrible.

My arse and face are numb and I honestly just want to retire to my chambers.

"How have you perfected that smile so easily?" Tristan whispers to me as the doors open once again.

"Years of being forced to learn." I reply honestly looking at him, "You should try it sometime."

"I smile." He confirms making me raise my eyebrow as if to ask when, "Just not in front of you."

Whilst we have been civil and doing our best to keep up pretences, Tristan is the King of sneaking in snide remarks to remind me that we may never be friends and he's just being nice to prove a point.

I need to show him that I am a gracious person and not the girl who is going to ruin him, as he likes to say.

"Lord Uther Umber, his intended Lady Lysa and Lord Jorah Umber." The announcer says and I feel Tristan tense in his seat.

I had almost forgotten that we had invited them to the wedding. I'm now glad that the King has threatened Tristan to stay away from Lysa because my threats had not been enough.

The three of them were surrounded by others, squires and handmaidens they decided to bring with them. They finally made it to our feet and bowed in front of us.

"Your majesties, it is our honour to be here to witness the marriage between the prince and the princess." Uther says speaking for them but Jorah steps forward.

"You look as radiant as ever, your grace." Jorah comments and I slap on my robotic smile, thanking him.

"You have traveled far," Tristan speaks avoiding Lisa's gaze and looking at Uther, "We thank you for doing so and welcome you to Gods Eye for the duration of the wedding celebrations."

They bowed again and left the room, Tristan keeping his eyes towards the door, not following his old lover. Oh isn't this a turn of events.


"And when does my uncle arrive?" I ask Rican

We pass the guards outside of Tristan's room and continue our roam of the halls.

"He should be making his way ashore any time from now, your grace." He answers and I nod glad.

It's been forever since I've seen him and any other member of my family. Whilst Aliria is nice, not being with your family does take a toll. Especially when they're all so weird here.

"Do you think he'll recognise me?"

Rican laughs at the question, "You've been here for less than month, your grace."

"What a long month it's been." I comment in response before hearing a loud door banging making both of us turn to see a distressed Lysa leaving Tristan's room.

And off with her head. I'm sure Tristan's guards will tell Remley of Lysa's presence.

"You!" She seethes pointing at me, making her way closer to me.

Rican was about to step and block her way but I hold my hand up for him to halt. "Me?" I question looking at her.

"You little whore." She continues, "What did you do to him? Why won't he touch me?"

Whilst this is all very amusing I must say she has grown quite confident whilst away with her intended.

"I have absolutely no idea to what you're referring to, Lady Lysa." I reply as I see Tristan coming out of his room due to the commotion. "Though you would be wise to remember who you're talking to."

She laughs darkly, "Yes we all know you're a princess, you don't let us forget." She hisses coming closer towards me, "You didn't answer my question. What did you do to Tristan for him not to touch me?"

"Lysa." Tristan's voice calls, "Stop this at once."

"No." She screams looking at him, "Ever since she came, it has not been the same. You've tried to make it the same but it's not the same! Everything needs to go back to the way it was." She turns back to me, "You're an evil witch, you've corrupted my Tristan. He belongs to me."

"I didn't do anything to him, Lysa." I continue, "We can all sit and talk about this later."

"I will not sit and speak to you." She hisses, "All you do is talk down to me the same way Reema did and you're getting in between Tristan and I the same way Reema did. You think I sat and listened to him talk about her for years for you just to come and take him away from me?"

Tristan looks at Reema with confusion and anger for speaking on Reema in such away. She's finally saying what I knew all along, she used Tristan's mourning to get closer to him.

I smile at her kindly trying to remain level headed against this girl who is starting to unravel, "You poor thing. Tristan does not belong to you, he was never yours and he will never be-"

There was a loud slap that brought me to the floor and Rican holding Lysa by her neck in retaliation.

"Tristan, help me." She choked as Tristan came to my side and helped me up which I appreciated whole heartedly.

"In Highland, she would loose both her hands for striking the Princess." Rican hisses.

I would let her die but me harming Lysa has not done wonders for mine and Tristan's relationship in the past. Plus, Remley will know of this soon and will have her hanged for me.

"Rican, let her go." I say ignoring my stinging cheek.

"But your grace-"

"Let her go." I insist and Rican reluctantly let her drop to the floor holding her neck and gasping for air.

I turn to Tristan who has his cold stare on as usual. "The only reason she is not going to be a cripple is because of you." I tell him forwardly, "She lays her hands on me or you again and she pays with her life."

I look back at Rican who was towering over the girl and gesture for him to follow me.

"I hope this shows you who is really going to ruin you, Tristan."

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