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Sitting down amongst the ladies whom are supposed to become my dearest friends I can't help but watch Lysa in annoyance.

Why does she have the thing that is supposed to be mine? I've always been a jealous person and even though Tristan acts like an absolute imbecile who annoys me to my core, he's supposed to be mine.

"Have you and Prince Tristan talked much since your arrival?" Lady Kira questions as we sit together and look at jewellery I'm to wear at the fighting matches made for my entertainment.

"Yes actually," I reply which makes Lysa lift her head in interest, "He comes to visit me in my chambers sometimes."

She wouldn't know what we talk about but her head reeling at the possibilities is enough for me.

"Really? So it's just the two of you! How romantic." Lady Nola gushes, "I've heard he's quite interested in you. Someone overheard him speaking to the bastard saying you're beautiful, which is the truth your grace."

I smile at her warmly, "Thank you but please call Evan by his name. He doesn't like being referred to as the bastard."

"You've grown quite close to him, haven't you." Lysa comments and I suppose she's right, we train together and he takes me on walks around the garden but somehow her saying it is rubbing me the wrong way.

"Yes." I reply, "He's the only one that doesn't treat me like a Princess and I like it."

"Why wouldn't you want to be treated like a Princess, your grace?" Kira asks and I shrug my shoulders

"Well when that's the first thing people see, they don't necessarily get to know you." I tell them, "It's always just the title and never who Cassandra really is. Few people really know me and those people are mostly my family and Rican."

Kira nods her head in understanding, "Do you miss your family?"

"Yes," I nod, "But I know I'm here for more than just myself, both kingdoms really need this marriage to work." I look at Lysa sincerely, "So no one is going to stop it."

"No one would dare, would they girls?" Celia asks and the rest of them agreed, Lysa rather reluctantly.

The doors to the room opened and Marcella and Tristan both walked into the room. The girls and I get up and bow at them.

"Your grace," I say brushing my dress so I can look somewhat presentable. "To what do we owe the pleasure?"

"We wanted to speak to you privately, Princess." Marcella says and with that the girls exited the room. Lysa and Tristan not looking each other in the eye. It'll be great to find out that Remley and Marcella don't know, that'll add to my case when if I were to remove her from court.

Marcella smiles at me when the doors have been shut, "Aliria's sun suits you," she tells me giving me a hug before sitting me down.

Tristan comes around towards me so we're both facing his mother.  "Remley and I have been talking and we both agree that you two do not spend enough time together."

"Mother, we eat every meal together." Tristan argues

"Hush now." Marcella says motioning for him to sit down next to me which he does, "For this Union to work you two need to get to know each other. For the sake of the kingdoms. You may not like each other right now but love takes time and effort to build."

Not wanting to be too vocal I look at Tristan who is looking in distain at his mother as he doesn't love the idea.

"So what is it that you suggest?" I ask to get the conversation moving.

"We're going to be sending both of you away to the Red Calf." She informs us, "You'll be staying for 3 days."

"That's a long time, mother." Tristan comments, "Is it necessary."

Marcella nods sharply, "You need to get to know each other without any ... distractions let's say."

If I was a gambling woman, I was say she knows about her sons little rendezvous with Lady Lysa and is using this as a way to remove her from the equation without removing her from court.

I better use those 3 days wisely.


Celia was helping me pack. Marcella said we would be leaving tomorrow, just me, Tristan and the guards are going to the little castle they have 30 minutes ride away.

"Is the Prince easily seduced?" I question as we pick out the clothes I should wear.

"Some say no but Lysa managed pretty easily." Celia says honestly and I raise my eyebrow at her, "Your words this morning made it obvious you know."

"Do the rest of the ladies know?" I ask whilst pointing at one of the dresses Christa was holding.

"Lysa was very vocal about their relations before you arrived in Aliria." Celia informs me, "I know more about our Prince's penis than I would like to know."

I hummed in acknowledgement, "I had threatened to have her kicked out of court but Tristan didn't like that idea very much."

"He wouldn't because she wouldn't." She says, "The girl is evil wrapped in a pretty face. Don't feel guilty for doing what you need to do for your kingdom, Princess."

Does that mean I should have her kicked out of court? I don't know anymore, Tristan said he doesn't want me threatening her so if I actually get it done I'm sure he'll hate me.

"Why do you say she's evil?"

"She was Princess Reema's best friend. Gods bless her soul. She used Prince Tristan's heartbreak over his sister to get him into bed." Celia filled in for me, "No one but an evil person would do such a thing to a person in mourning."

"Tristan loved Reema a lot?"

Celia smiled faintly, "They we're the best of friends, they did everything together and he couldn't save her when she died. If your brother died, how would you feel?"

If someone killed Killan I would be distraught. We've been together though everything, he's my twin for Gods sake. This is the longest we've ever been apart.

"So he was struck with grief when she died." I comment and Celia nods

"And somehow the only one who could get him out of bed and into hers was Lysa."

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