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There's only one bed in the royal chambers.

The other rooms have been filled with the staff and there's only one royal chamber since this is where the married couples go to consummate their marriage on their wedding nights. A tradition, Tristan is saying he's not going to do.

I know the laws of the land thanks to Evan. If I do not get pregnant within a year of us being together then it's as if our marriage never happened. With Tristan saying he's not going to touch me, it'll be very likely.

I had run my own bath this evening to give Christa a break. I'm not a slave driver, she needs a break like any other person.

I heard Tristan coming into the room whilst I was soaking my body. I could hear him walking around before I heard the footsteps get closer towards the separate room where I was. He didn't knock as usual, he simply entered.

"One of these days you're going to find me in an uncomfortable position." I say

"I thought I already did when I realised you sleep naked." He replies from behind me and I turn to look at him, using the tub to cover my body.

"About that, do you wish to sleep on the floor for these days?" I ask seriously and he furrows his eyebrows

"Why would I do that?"

"As you said, I sleep naked. If you want to not get yourself in a compromising position with me, you may want to sleep on the floor." I explain and he steps closer towards me

"I sleep naked as well, Cassandra. Maybe it's you that should sleep on the floor."

I smile up at him, "I'm not the one with a supposed lover back at Gods eye, your grace." I retort, "I'm sure Lysa wouldn't like having knowledge of us being so... close whilst indecent."

"Lysa knows she has nothing to worry about." He utters his hands holding onto the tub skimming my breast bone as he does it.

"Nothing?" I echo

"Nothing." He confirms, looking at me at eye level. "I would never go there with you."

I hum in acknowledgement before standing up in the tub fully naked so Tristan has to look at my whole body from my legs to get to my eyes.

His eyes makes it's way up my body as he stands as well.

"Could you help me out, your grace?" I ask innocently and his jaw tightens before holding out his hand for me which I take and he helps me get out of the tub. "Thank you, your grace."

I reach over to the cloth on the side and wrap it around my body. Then he stepped closer towards me.

"Just because I have an appreciation for your body doesn't mean I'm going to do anything with you." He whispers to me. "I'm a loyal person."

"So if I were to grab your manhood right now and get on my knees, you'll stop me?" I question.

"You wouldn't even make it to your knees." He answers.

I walk towards him once more pressing my front into his where I feel his manhood protruding towards me.

"Hmm," I hum pressing my breast closer towards him more, waiting for him to do something which he doesn't. I'll give him this he is very loyal. "Okay, your grace. I'll stop."

I step around him and make my way out of the room and he follows me.

"This would all be easier if you decide to leave." He tells me and I frown looking over my shoulder at him.

"Why would I do that?"

"You were right. I can't end this engagement because of my people but these aren't your people, they don't care what you do." He suggests, "You leave and I can be with Lysa."

I wanted to roll my eyes but I didn't, "Lysa. Lysa. Lysa." I tut, "Why is everything always about her?"

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you're jealous." He replies coming to sit down on the bed in front of me and I hold the cloth around my body tighter.

"See you don't know me very well. I am jealous." I admit and he raises his eyebrows as if he's shocked that I admitted to it, I walk closer to him,"I don't like not having what's mine."

"I'm not yours, Cassandra." He states as I stand in between his legs

"Not yet." I correct with a smile, my hands touching the beard that I have admired for a while now but will never say so, "Don't worry, I always get my way sooner or later."

His hand gripped mine tightly, "This isn't one of those times." He moves my hand away from his face and gets up walking away from me towards the other room.

Sighing I remove the cloth from my body and rub the oil that was on the table side onto my body before laying down in the bed.

I stared at the ceiling in boredom until Tristan comes out of the adjoining room, fully naked.

I can't help but stare at his manhood as it swayed with his walk towards the bed. Lysa has been taking that in her for Gods know how long? She must be the size of a black hole at this point.

I noticed the birthmark next to his manhood, roughly the size of a coin and decided to commit that to memory for later.

"I thought it wasn't within your culture to stare," he comments, his deep voice always sounding deeper in the night.

"If it's in front of me, what is a girl supposed to do, your grace?" I ask innocently but he doesn't reply, he only makes his way to the bed and lay down next to me.

"Stay on your side and I shall stay on mine." He commands before turning away from me.

I take a deep breath and return to looking at the ceiling once more except for the first time in days, sleep finally came to me.

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