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I've decided my first theory about Tristan was the correct one. From the accumulation of our discussions it is very clear that he is blocking himself from being with me not due to his love for Lysa but because of his want to have someone to blame for everything.

my second theory of him blaming himself for not protecting Reema is also correct leads into the first one since now he is trying to deflect his guilt onto me and I am not going to take blame for something I did not cause.

Really, I'm a very good judge of character because I have Tristan figured out perfectly. I just do not know how to make him fall in love with me.

"Lean back more." Evan instructs and I do as he says before dipping down to miss his sword swinging for me. Whilst down I yank his leg making him fall down, crawling on top of him, I place the tip of my sword on his neck.

"Boom, you're dead." I say proudly and he smiles at me holding his hands up in defense

"You're a lot better," He says, "Finally fighting the Alirian way. Without honour."

Better he says it than me. Alirian's are known for fighting dirty, our army had to adapt to their fighting style to be able to defeat them.

There was a slow round of applause from behind me which made me turn to look at King Remley standing with his son and walking towards us. Evan and I get up immediately and bow to him.

"Your Majesty," I greet, "Your grace."

"I had asked your handmaiden of your where abouts, it was a pleasant surprise to find you here." Remley spoke, "Tristan did tell me that you Highlanders train your daughters young."

He remembered? I move my eyes to Tristan who once again is looking through me like he doesn't want to be here. It must take so much energy out of him to continue hating me.

"Yes, it is tradition, Your Majesty." I confirm and Remley nods his head in understanding

"One that I hope you and Tristan start during your time together." He says, "That way others do not suffer the same as my Reema."

I lick my dry lips and nod my head in response not really sure what to say.

"Evan why are you fighting with the Princess?" Remley asks, "I'm sure her guard would provide enough competition."

Evan probably didn't know what to say to not land himself in trouble so I answer for him, "I asked him, your grace. Rican is often too soft with me and Evan helps me improve."

I smile at Evan who smiles back at me before looking back at Remley who was looking at his son who was staring at Evan and I.

"Very well." Remley agrees, "Just do not harm her, Evan."

It's a bit late for that. My muscles are in pain from our training sessions.

"Of course, Father." Evan nods

"Leave us, we have business to discuss." Remley orders and Evan bows before leaving the training grounds. Remley then faces me once Evan is at a distance he can not hear us. "The first families are going to start coming to Gods Eye for the upcoming wedding, we greet them individually and you two need to look like you're in love."

Even Remley can tell there is a clear barrier between us. Well I suppose neither of us have done much to hide it.

"Of course, your majesty." I accept, "That will be easy for myself, I however can not speak for your son."

Tristan's eyes narrow at me, "I will be fine."

"Acting like you're in love means no secret rendezvous with that Lysa girl when she returns with her intended." Remley instructs and both Tristan and I couldn't contain our shock at him knowing, "You think I am not aware of what happens in my own castle? I am aware that Princess Cassandra has made her own threats to the girl but here is mine. Cassandra as my witness, if I see or hear that Lysa was in your quarters again, Tristan, I will have her hanged."

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