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[viibrotheruckus here it is :'D let me know what u think skskks]

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[viibrotheruckus here it is :'D let me know what u think skskks]

[my everything]

"Are you seriously telling me I should understand your side of the story?! That damn hickey explains a whole lot it wasn't just an 'accident', Ahn Yujin! H-How.. could you..."

I bowed my head as tears welled up in the corners of my squinted eyes. I didn't want to seem so weak in Yujin' eyes, but this.. this takes the fucking cake.

"Minju, give me another chance."

Then what, you'll break me again?

"You have broken my trust and broke your promise, I don't think i can bear to see your lying face anymore," I whispered, "Get out, Ahn Yujin."

I inhaled a breath and exhaled through my nose. Opened my eyes to see her stone cold expression. She asked for a second chance, yet here she is,not even an ounce of guilt was present.

"Fine. Kim Chaewon is so much better than you anyway." it was a whisper,  but I heard it loud and clear.

So I wasn't enough?

Then the next thing I know, my feet were taking me to some place my jumbled up brain couldnt quite recognize.

My feet along with my heart halted when I finally remember where my conscience led me.

This place...


Hand in hand, my friend and I walked on the grassy path that led to an abandoned amusement park. It's the place where we love to hangout at. Abandoned, yes, but me and my friend like the silence.

Here it will be just the two of us, playing and messing around.

"Kkura-unnie and Chaeyeon-ssi have been going to their secret place where they can have fun all the time. They say it's their secret place.." Hitomi, my dearest friend, said as she took big steps to keep up with me.

"Did they tell you where it is?" I asked, tilting my head.

"It's called a secret place for a reason, unnie" She giggled.

"Oh," I bopped my head with my closed fist, grinning awkwardly. "Hehe yeah."

We walked further into the abandoned amusemente park till we reached a rocky ground. Pebbles littered the sea side. Big giant boulders separated us from the big body of water on the other side.

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