Chapter 55 : I Want To end it all

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"Angel what did you just do?!"

Two days later

We all sit next to his limp form, his chest barely rising. So many tubes are attached to him, so many inhuman sounds. Machines drilling their mean noises into my ears.

His hair and his skin have lost their once vibrant colors. Life barely visible. Everything is cold, everything is blue and dark.

It's painful seeing him like this.

It's worse to have Zac look at me with a disgusted look on his face through the glass door. None of us have showered or changed since we got here. I'm still in my dress, guilt heavier than lead on my shoulders.

Amber's a mess, she hasn't used in the past two days. Her eyes are bloodshot and the mist never lifts from her green irises. 

She was hurt the most, and it's all my fault. Ryan's in prison, without trial. He's been sentenced to life for just being alive and it's my fault too.


All I feel is guilt. It gnaws at my insides, devours me completely spitting me out only to start all over again.

I'm weak, I have a weak mind. 

I hurt those I love and for what? To suit my own selfish needs? To crave for attention when I feel there is none.

Zac hates me and he has every right to. 

I came into their lives and I just destroyed everything in my path.

How you may ask?

Well, where do I even begin.

~Two days ago

"Angel what did you just do?!" Zac's voice pulled me out of my trance. He stood over me and forced me with an iron grip on my arm. 

The signed papers dropping to the ground.

I winced in pain and try to steady myself.

He looked me dead in the eye, anger slowly rising.

The tears worsen and my sobs become much louder.

"Ryan was going to let us all go!" 

My head whips to the side sharply. I grit my teeth and place a trembling hand on my burning cheek. 

Shocked by the sudden impact, I gulp and try to recover from my pathetic state.

"What?" I muster all the courage in me to ask, my lip quivering.

"He doesn't deserve any of this. This was completely unnecessary. You both honestly are the dumbest people I have ever met!"

Why is he insulting me like this? Ryan's an asshole and he deserved to be punished.

"For starters, Rosalie was extremely delusional. Whatever she told you was probably untrue. Even if she has a child, it's not Ryan's! Besides what he did was ordered and he tried everything to redeem himself. He truly loved you Angel. He tried to get rid of Brandy but she kept coming back. The fact that you believed a complete stranger shows weak minded you are!"

I wipe the tears and sniff.

"He was willing to change for you. He chose you. I've been speaking with him for years, he tells me everything and most of it is about you. You should've given him a chance."

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