CHAPTER 31: Macbeth, whereest art thouest Macbethius

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"Macbeth. Where artest thouest Macbethius?" Her voice echoes through the hallway..
What the heck?

I thought that this place was soundproof and high up. How on earth did she get here?!

And is she that loud?

"It's Romeo not Macbeth not is it Macbethius."

She rolls her eyes and scoffs blowing her hair out of her face as she walks in.


She prances to me in a red night gown.

A sexy, silky night gown that sits amazingly around her curves.

I cough awkwardly averting my pervert eyes from her.

"What is it Angel?"

Her eyes widen and she loses her composure holding a finger under her jaw.

"I.... I actually don't know."

I get back to reading reports on the progress of our business.

Doing well as usual.

"But I'm gonna bug you anyways!" She squeals.

......a few minutes later....

She's been bugging me for the longest time.

I groan out loud at her jibbering.


"It's 3a.m."

"You've been saying that for the past five minutes. I'm borrreed."

"And you've been saying that for the past hour." I mumble.

"What was that?" She demands threateningly.



I check the time on my watch and place my book down. It's three o'clock, is she still alive?

Pride and Prejudice will have to wait.

I walk into her suite, the sun kissing her face.

Why am I jealous?

Her sleeping face is so adorable it's infuriating at times. She's been asleep all day, first it's eating now sleep?

I have a good night planned for her, taking her to dinner at one of the fanciest restaurants in Venice.

I hope she'll like it there, she needs a break from all this.

Don't ask me yet, I do not know why I'm being like this. Maybe it's the crappy writer changing the storyline a little too quickly. I don't know.

I brush away the strands of hair in her face the best I can. Some of it caught in her mouth, so wide open but it's cute.

Ugh! I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea of this girl.

She acts so subtle about everything but the things she eats. If you dare try taking a bite, ooh man yesterday on the jet I nearly lost a finger to a butter knife.

I don't know why I'm being so kind or why my thoughts are just about her happiness.

I like the way she eats, savoring everything and expressing her joy in every way possible.

The way she speaks, it's hypnotic I can't stand being away from her, not anymore.

I've gotten so used to her occasional beatings. I used to be so cruel whenever she hit me but that was before I started to understand her.

She's actually trying to stay sane. I don't know what to do with her anymore. Should I carry on with the project?

I'm enjoying her company way more than I wanted to. Maybe this marriage thing isn't all that bad.

What am I thinking?

I need to wake her up.

An/sorry super short

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