Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw

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Without hesitating, Harry pointed his wand at them, something white and enormous shooting out of his wand, before catching the snitch in the next second.

The Gryffindors erupted in cheers, Mioha and Hermione jumping up and down excitedly.

Quickly leaving the stands, they ran out onto the pitch, where Harry was being congratulated by Professor Lupin.

"I didn't feel a thing!", Harry beamed.
"Well", Professor Lupin chuckled, "that was because they weren't dementors."

The three hooded figures had tangled themselves within their long cloaks, and as Professor McGonagall flicked her wand, Draco, Vincent and Gregory came into view.

"Sabotage!", she shrieked angrily.
"Fifty points from Slytherin! I shall have a word with Professor Snape about this, you can be sure of that! Detention for all of you!"

Mioha shared an amused look with Hermione, not feeling sorry for her housemates in the slightest.

"You gave Mr. Malfoy quite a fright", Professor Lupin told the speechless Harry, who stared at the three Slytherins gobsmacked.

"That was wicked!", Ron yelled and gave Harry a thumbs-up.

"You cast a perfect patronus, Harry", Professor Lupin congratulated the Gryffindor seeker, before joining the other Professors.

"Harry!", Mioha jumped over to him, "did you see what your patronus was?"

Harry shook his head disappointedly.
"No, I was too focused on the snitch", he answered.

"It was a stag!", Mioha told him excitedly, "a huge stag! That was awesome!"

Harry beamed at her, his other teammates now coming over to congratulate him on his good catch.
Mioha noticed Hermione a few meters away, standing there and looking a bit lost.

The Slytherin walked over to her friend and said: "Don't worry, Hermione. He'll come around. Crookshanks is a cat after all, they eat rats and mice."
Hermione smiled weakly, before leaving the Quidditch field, probably to do some homework.

The next morning was a Sunday, and Mioha got up early, planning on visiting Hagrid. She put on the new earrings from Luna and excitedly went to breakfast, Esma perched on her shoulder.

Walking up the steps and several corridors, Mioha entered the Great Hall, and stopped in surprise.

It was bustling with eating Gryffindors.

Usually, most students tended to lay in bed until lunch.
However, Mioha noticed that the Gryffindors were whispering about something, casting fearful glances around.

She quickly approached the Gryffindor table and walked up to the trio.

"Guys", she said quietly, "what's the matter?"

"Sirius Black was in the Gryffindor tower last night", Hermione said shakily, still keeping distance to Harry and Ron because of Scabbers.

"He was standing there, with a knife! And he had ripped my curtains!
I thought I was going to die", Ron said dramatically to Lavender Brown, who was listening intently.

"Oh, you were so brave", she cried and Ron grinned.

Mioha looked down at Harry, whose knuckles had turned white.

She put a hand on his shoulder, and he gave her a weak smile, but his green eyes were glistening angrily.

"I'll kill him", he muttered so quietly, she almost couldn't understand him.

Hidden Wings - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now