
679 22 3

hi cuties xx
you guys are so cute for getting me to 100k reads
i apologise that i don't write anymore, i just need to focus on my artwork atm! i might start writing little cringey fanfic for you all as an extra thing to do during quarantina but i'm not shore yet
but thank you !!! even if this book is outdated xx i love u <33

hi cuties xxyou guys are so cute for getting me to 100k readsi apologise that i don't write anymore, i just need to focus on my artwork atm! i might start writing little cringey fanfic for you all as an extra thing to do during quarantina but i'm ...

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hi its 200k now i finished this book over 5 years ago (wtf ?? ) and namjin are bald now (wtf ??) bye

hands ⟶ namjinWhere stories live. Discover now