Midoriko hadn't been much active, which Kagome was eternally grateful for and at the same time extremely suspicious about. She had been having rather distressing dreams/nightmares recently that Kagome was beginning to suspect the crazed Miko was behind. She had been dreaming of both of her old families, but mainly her family from the future. Lately, it has been a mixture of Sota angry at her for breaking her promise about coming home and Shippo saddened that she abandoned him. She had taken to putting silencing sutras on her walls so Minato wouldn't hear her when she wakes up. She'd wake up sobbing the days the nightmares came. She knew they weren't real, but at the same time, they were both right. Jiraiya had hinted to her that he was possibly close to finishing up a Fuinjutsu seal that might work to seal Midoriko away permanently. They had to be very careful about what they said as she could be listening in at any time. Kagome wasn't allowing herself to be hopeful, however. If it ended up working, amazing, but if it didn't at least her hopes wouldn't be crushed.

On a happy note, to her immense joy, Minato and Kushina had finally started dating. She was around a lot now and Kagome really enjoyed it. She liked having a girl around to talk to. Minato absolutely hated it when Kushina and herself would team up against him. He never stood a chance. Surprisingly it hadn't been Minato who made the first step, it had been Kushina. Kagome and Minato had been on their way home from a training session when Kushina stepped in front of them. Kagome would always remember that day fondly.

"Minato Namikaze," Kushina shouted in a mixture of nervousness and annoyment.

Minato immediately straightened his posture as a nervous look of his own crossed his face. He started sweating a bit as he thought about what she might want. Shit, had he done something to upset her? He didn't remember doing anything too annoying recently. They had actually been getting along so much better the past few months.

He cleared his throat before simply asking, "Yes?"

Kushina's arm shot forward as she grabbed a fistful of Minato's shirt as she pulled him forward slightly, "I am sick of waiting." She growled slightly.

Minato really wasn't sure what to do, "Waiting for what?" he asked as he desperately tried holding off a blush at their suddenly close-ness.

Kushina let out a sharp breath of determination before stating, "You, Minato, are going to take me out on a proper date tomorrow. You'll pick me up at noon, and I expect flowers. Even your sister was nice enough to get me flowers."

Minato was struck speechless as the blush he had been trying to hold back flowed free. Kagome did her best to hide the laughter that was shaking her whole body. She didn't know what was funnier; the way Kushina 'asked' him out on a date or Minato's reaction.

Kushina suddenly leans in, closing the distance between him, and gave Minato a quick kiss on the cheek, "Don't you dare be late Namikaze." Then without another word she body-flickered away leaving the two siblings.

When Minato did absolutely nothing for a good thirty seconds Kagome grew worried, "Uh, Minato-Nii, you alright there?" when he didn't answer she made her way in front of him. His face was the reddest she had ever seen anyone; she could practically see the smoke rising from the top of his head. Then to Kagome's astonishment, he suddenly fainted. She let out a shriek of surprise and dashed forward to catch him before he hit the ground. She grunted under the weight of her brother. It was official, Kushina had broken her brother.

After she had dragged his dead weight back home and he finally woke back up, he had been a right terror. She had never seen her brother so flustered over anything before. Their first date had gone by quickly followed by the second and third. Soon after they became official boyfriend and girlfriend. Kagome honestly couldn't be happier. She was happy that her brother was happy.

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