Story 84: Doll Maker: Part: 4

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Namjoon pulled up in the driveway, switching the key and pulled it out of the ignition.

He got out and closed the car door, walking to his home as he locked his car.

He walked inside and closed the front door.

He walked to the kitchen, still seeing Jin in the kitchen, feeding his "son".

Namjoon kept quiet, walking out then walked to his workplace.

He walked inside and closed the door, sighing.

Jin kept feeding Jungkook, humming softly as he gently wiped the boy's face.

"So messy." Jin cooed as Jungkook giggled happily. "But now you're clean."

He smiled at the smaller boy.

"I promise I will take care of you and make sure nothing ever happens to you.'

"Pwomise?" Jungkook held out his pinky finger, Jin smiled and interwined his pinky with the boy's pinky.


Jungkook smiled. "Yay."

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