Story 95: Stigma: Part: 3 Ft. TXT

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I don't know the full story to what truly happened that day.

I don't know what made Jin snap.

I didn't like this new side of him.

The more obsessive side.

I came home one day, only to be met with both Namjoon and Hoseok that were knocked unconscious in the living room.

I had stared in shock, even wondering whether I should call for help.

Jin reassured me they'd have passed out and he would take cafe of them.

I didn't believe him.

I went over to Namjoon to check if he was okay.

But Jin had grabbed my arm before I could get any closer.

He warned me to not meddle in their business since he would take care of it.

He then sent me off to my room which I did so immediately.

I contemplated whether I should have called for help.

Maybe I should've...maybe I could have prevented all of this if I had taken action...

I guess I still believed that the Jin that had held Namjoon and Hoseok hostage would soon come to his senses.

Oh how dead wrong I was...

It was a few hours before I heard faint screaming.

I dared not to leave...

If the Jin I knew can become sinister in seconds then who's to say he wouldn't attack me next?

I stayed there, for a long time.

It was then I built up the courage to leave my room and find Namjoon.

Maybe I could help him escape while there's still time.

I looked around the house before turning to go to the basement.

That was the place most likely Jin would keep them in.

I walked inside the went down the stairs.

I saw Jin humming to himself as he repeatedly stabbed Hoseok's body.

I watched in horror.

How could he be so emotionless?

I had turned to look at Namjoon, he was blindfolded and his mouth covered.

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