Story 34: Hyung Part: 2

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Two Years Later

"Why are we looking for this cabin again?"Yoongi yawned as he scratched the back of his head, following Namjoon and Hoseok into the woods.

"To make it our vacation home."Namjoon told.

"If we redecorate it then it'll look nice."Hoseok smiled.

"I wanna build a treehouse"Taehyung chirped as he held Yoongi's hand.

"Can't we find one in the internet?"Yoongi asked. "It'll be easier that way than searching one in the woods."

"There!"Taehyung pointed towards something, letting go of Yoongi's hand and rushing towards it.

"Wait Taehyung!"Namjoon warned, running after the younger, Hoseok followed while Yoongi sighed, walking.

"Nevermind."Yoongi mumbled, following behind the others.

Namjoon saw Taehyung ran inside the cabin, the older boy ran to catch up with the younger, he walked inside, looking for Taehyung.

"You okay?"

Namjoon heard Taehyung speak, the older boy walked towards Taehyung's voice, he entered what looked like a kitchen.

Namjoon turned his head by the corner, seeing Taehyung.

"Taehyung don't run off like that."Namjoon scolded, Taehyung turned to the older.

"But I found this boy."Taehyung told. "I was wondering if he's okay."

"A boy?"

Namjoon walked closer to Taehyung, seeing a boy wasn't facing them but the wall, covering face, the boy was covered in dirt by his body and clothes.

His brown hair looked darker than normal brown.

"What's your name?"Taehyung asked, the boy slowly turned to Taehyung.

"J...J-Jimin..."the boy answered quietly, he faced the floor.

"I'm Taehyung."Taehyung smiled. "And Namjoon is my hyung."

"Hyung is here?"Jimin asked as he turned his head, left and right.

"Namjoon is here."Taehyung told. "He's the hyung."

Jimin looked up at Namjoon, he then shook his head.

"It isn't him."Jimin mumbled.

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