Story 64: Creepy Obsession: Part 8

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Jin punched the mirror on his wall, screaming in frustration as a terrified Jungkook watched.

"H-hyung..."Jungkook whimpered. "Y-you're scaring me..."

Jin slowly turned to Jungkook with a grin on his face, Jungkook looked down at Jin's hands, seeing blood on them, Hoseok's blood.

"It's good that you're scared...I'm sure I'll love it even more if Namjoon is."

Jin walked over to the other side of the room where Namjoon was tied up and blindfolded.

Jin removed the blindfold, seeing Namjoon looking up at Jin while his screams and pleads were muffled.

Jungkook watched with horror.

"I wasted my whole life loving you...but thanks to you I've found out who really loves me."Jin then stabbed Namjoon with a glass shard, causing Namjoon to cry out in pain as Jungkook screamed and started sobbing. "Who really loves me is me."

Jin pulled away, leaving the boy to die as he walked towards Jungkook, petting the boys head softly.

"Go sleep Kook while hyung has to clean up."

Jungkook nodded shakily as he ran to his room, locking the door as he hid under the covers as he cried himself to sleep, only to be threatened by Jin if he tells anyone he'll kill the younger too.

Jungkook kept the secret ever since.

Few Hours Later

Taehyung opened his eyes lazily, his vision was blurry, his head ached, he wanted to hold it but felt both his hands were tied up.

Taehyung grunted as he tried to escape but stopped as he heard the door open and footsteps coming towards him.

He also heard dragging.

Taehyung looked up as he saw Jin dragging a chair in front of Taehyung, he turned his head as he saw Jungkook walking towards the chair and sat down, looking away from Taehyung.


Jungkook didn't respond, he stayed quiet.

Jin laughed.

"Who would've thought this will turn out. This makes me laugh."

Jin then started laughing hysterically.

Jin broke down as he cried to himself in front of the mirror, having splashed of blood on his face after he had killed both Hoseok and Namjoon.


"That's not true."

Jin looked up, seeing his own reflection.

"That's not true, Namjoon didn't accept you for who you are, why waste tears for someone when the one you should be trusted was yourself?"

Jin sniffed, wiping his tears away as blood stained on his cheeks.

"You're not a monster. You're the most handsome person I've ever seen. And if he couldn't see that then why go with him? Love yourself and forget about him."

Jin then grinned.

"I'm the most handsome you've ever seen?"

"The only one Jin. No one can be like you."

"Let me go!"Taehyung demanded, struggling to escape but couldn't.

Jin continued to laugh while Jungkook sat in silence.

Jin wiped a tear out of his eye as he quieted his laugh.

"That was a good laugh."Jin then sighed. "Now its time to kill you, along with your dead boyfriend."Jin smiled, Taehyung's eyes widened.

Taehyung looked over at Jungkook.

"Jungkook help!"

"Why would he help you? After your rejection, your blame for him killing Jimin, your punches that hurt him even more. I'll find it more funny if he still has feelings for you."Jin snickered.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, seeing the younger looked back at him slightly but looked away, holding back tears.

Jin then turned to Jungkook.

"Would you give me permission to kill him, little brother?"Jin asked, Taehyung's breath hitched.

Jungkook turned his head to look at Jin then Taehyung then back to Jin.

"Let me do it."Taehyung's eyes widened as Jin grinned.

"Show me what you got."Jin handed Jungkook the switchblade, the younger stood up as he walked towards Taehyung, hearing the boy mumbling pleads to let him live.

Jungkook's hand trembled as he walked towards Taehyung, gulping quietly as Taehyung looked up at him in fear, spotting a tear rolling down.

Jungkook kept a straight face.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, the next thing he heard was a scream.

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