Story 1: Imaginary Friend

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A/N: I love how scary stories send chills down my bones and gives me a good scare, hope my horror stories send chills to you too :)


Jin's Pov

Ever since me and Jungkook moved to a new home in Seoul, he made an imaginary friend named Kim Taehyung.
I could understand this was hard for the younger boy to make new friends at a new place but I have faith he can grow out of it sooner or later.

As the days passed by, I listened to what he and Taehyung did, they played games like any other seven-year-old kid would do with their friends, I was wondering how they met but what questioned me the most was who was the boy?

Jungkook never brought him over the house to hang out or at least introduce me to him, the more I listened to what Jungkook and the boy did, the more I questioned.

It was a Friday night, my parents told me to take care of Jungkook for the night and make sure he's asleep by nine o'clock while they went out to eat dinner alone together.

I was currently watching tv while eating a bag of chips, I was watching the food channel called Chopped, seeing the competitor's make dishes out of random food in their wooden baskets, I wanted to be a chef when I'm older.

I looked up at the clock, seeing it was eight fifty-nine, I stood up from the couch and walked upstairs to Jungkook's room, I walked through the hallway passed my room and walked by Jungkook's, standing by the doorway.

Seeing the younger boy was sleeping peacefully while he had crayons and a colored paper on it, I walked inside, turning off his lamp light and turned on his night light, almost glowing his whole room but it wasn't that bright.

I took all his crayons and placed it on his color box, I grabbed the picture he drew and looked at it, seeing he drew me, himself, and both my parents, I smiled and turned to the boy, I petted his head gently.

"Sleep well Jungkook"

I went to his drawer and opened it, placing the picture inside, when I was about to close it, I spotted one picture that caught my attention, I opened the drawer and took out the picture.

I looked at it, seeing Jungkook as a stick figure along with someone else, I looked at the other person in confusion, the figure was all black but had red eyes.

Under the figure, there was a name under it.


I placed the picture back where it belonged and left Jungkook's room before closing his room door, I questioned Jungkook's picture, it was weird but I figured his imagination was running wild.

I returned back to the couch, looking at the tv screen, I felt my eyes grow heavy, I kept blinking so I wouldn't fall asleep but I failed, my eyes closed completely, letting myself fall into sleep.

I woke up when I heard somewhat whispering, I stood up and rubbed my eyes, I looked around, seeing I was in my room, I wondered who carried me here but I soon realized it was probably one of my parents when they came back from dinner.

I turned over to my bedside table, seeing the clock reading midnight, I turned to my bedroom doorway, seeing a shadow pass by my room, out of curiosity I slowly got out of bed.

I stepped out of my room silently, I turned to my parents' room, seeing their door was open, I walked in quietly so I wouldn't wake them up, once I entered I covered my mouth in shock, my eyes started watering.

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