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              Finding River Song


In the beginning, she’s everywhere and any when. It seems like she's around every corner, behind every locked door, hiding in all his favorite places. And he always comes when she calls. It’s the least he can do. She doesn't disappoint, leading him on wild adventures that have no right to end as happily as they do. New places and planets and people and there's always running. She always keeps up with him, never falling behind.

Their feet fall in unison, his trench coat flapping behind him and her stilettos long since abandoned. They're out of order but always in sync. She's too quick, too clever. There's something different about her that just doesn't fit. Or maybe she fits too well. He can't explain what or why. All he knows is that for once, he doesn't want to find out.

Each time they run, she reaches for his hand like a reflex. He really wishes she wouldn't. He can't help but remember the last time he reached for her: arms outstretched, sonic just beyond his grasp. Saving her is mere inches away, but it might as well be light years. In the here and now, her hand in his is solid and reassuring. A sharp contrast to how lonely and lost she must have felt watching that computer count down to zero.

Today, she’s smiling brightly at him while they catch their breath. "Hello sweetie."

She says it with her eyes as well as her mouth. There's so much life in those green orbs. They burn with passion and secrets and promises of adventure. She glows, radiant and blinding, and he can barely muster a stiff smile in return, looking anywhere but her as he answers, "Professor Song."

The detached formality with which he says her name wipes the smile right off her face. But what right does he have to see such happiness when he knows how that light will fade? How can he look at her when all he sees is the path those tears will track down her face? How heartless must he become to end up like the man she described? How will he possibly tell her his name, give her his screwdriver, and look her in the eyes, all the while knowing he'll be the death of her? He can't. He won't.

Time can be rewritten.

Time must have other plans because they find each other even when they aren't looking. Wherever he finds trouble, he finds River Song. Or, perhaps, it’s the other way around.

"You got me arrested. Again!" He tried to explain that he wasn’t affiliated with her, that it was more of a wrong place wrong time scenario, but his explanations had fallen on deaf ears. She wasn’t exactly any help, either, calling him ‘sweetie’ and mouthing off at the guards at every opportunity. They chose to leave her restraints on, and he didn’t blame them after seeing the fight it took to get her in them in the first place. It was impressive actually, how stubborn she was, and it might have even been quite funny if it hadn’t landed him in here.

"How is this my fault?" There’s a twinge of accusation in her voice, and oh no, she’s not putting this on him. Not this time.

He doesn’t try to stop the rising of his voice as he retorts, "You were trying to steal their ceremonial rubies!"

She shrugs like grand larceny is nothing. Aloof and unaffected by his annoyance as always as she quips, "And I would have succeeded if you hadn't set off all the alarms."

"Bonnie, Clyde!” The guard calls, silencing their bickering. “Keep the lover’s quarrels to a minimum."

"I'm not with her." The Doctor shouts, hand gesticulating between himself and the curvaceous madwoman to his right. "We're not together." But his efforts are drown out by laughter and the slamming of a heavy metal door. Great. Just what he needed, stuck in a dungeon with her.

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