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but she was walking back and forth and i was passing through

He doesn’t have favourites.

At least that’s what he tells himself, if he thinks of it at all. But it quickly becomes apparent to him that adventures with River are a whole different experience. She is mad and quick and clever – so clever it steals his breath at times. She keeps pace, and it is thrilling in a way he cannot articulate, but he so enjoys it, he keeps coming back.

Again and again and again.

After all Amy and Rory seem to enjoy their down time at night – and he doesn’t bother them then, because he knows that they need their alone time. Well, their alone together time. Married people like to go off and be... married. He tries not to think about it too much.

And River is always there, like some siren on the edge of his mind, calling him to her. After Utah, he was wary, but somehow he cannot stop himself from seeking her out. Adventures with River are addictive. Twisty and turny and the comfort of knowing that she can take care of herself. She still smirks at him, smug and all-knowing, and he hates that except that he really doesn’t at all, because her being that way is what makes her such fun on the adventures.

And then there’s the kissing.

He’s proud to say that he’s hitting a point when he can almost keep full control of his limbs when her mouth meets his – but she surprises him at the oddest times. Mid-running, pressed into nooks and hiding from some form of life or another, intent on killing them both, she likes to press against him and kiss him until he’s breathless. It’s terrible timing on her part, and he really shouldn’t allow it except it makes his hearts beat faster and everything is so much more exciting then.

She’s a bad influence really.

They have near misses and run so far and so fast that they collapse into the TARDIS, gasping and exhausted, unable to catch their breath. She always giggles breathlessly then, and he loves that giggle a lot. Because honestly giggling isn’t a very Riverish thing to do – but oh she does. She giggles madly and the sound is one of the best things – especially when he laughs with her.

She’s different, away from Amy and Rory. Lighter, she takes more risks, and he can’t help but think the seriousness stems from a desire to keep his companions safe and it sort of makes his chest burn when he thinks about it too long.

They love the running – she loves the running, but this time, this night, his hearts are beating hard and harder in his chest and it’s not excitement but fear powering them. His fingers slip as he snaps, the attempt awkward because of her weight in his arms. Blood on his hands makes his fingers merely slide ineffectually over each other – but bless his ship because the doors spring open regardless.

His throat is dry, burning, as he lays her against the console floor. “Rory! Rory! Amy! Rory!” his voice bellows and echoes around the console room as his hands press against her side. Her blood seems too thick – dark and ruby and too thick as it seeps through his fingers. “RORY!”  he feels like he is screaming, as he looks down at her, his hearts tangling together in his chest.

“River, River – you can’t – you don’t do this. This is not how it happens, don’t you dare,” he hisses the words down at her, like water in a hot frying pan they bubble and jump out of him, but she doesn’t react. She hasn’t heard a word he’s said in a while. Her breathing is fast and shallow, her face pale and sickly and he feels like he must look the exact same.

“Doctor? Oh my god,” Amy’s voice issues from above him but he cannot take his eyes off of River, as if he can keep her breathing, if only he just keeps watching. A watched  pot never boils, and a watched River cannot die – right? His thoughts feel incoherent and scattered. “Rory, get your bag, River’s hurt!” Amy shouts, running down the stairs to kneel beside him. “What happened?”

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