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Happy Birthday

Normally it would bother you to be the least informed person in the room. But here and now it feels good; it feels safe. Of course you wonder-you wouldn't be you if you didn't wonder-if River knows how there could be two of you here at the same time without the universe taking exception. Because you don't know how, but your older self does, even if he won't say. River never asks, which means that either she is privy to the secret or she's accustomed to accepting these sorts of things without question.

But you trust them; you trust them both not to put the universe at risk for the sake of fulfilling an unusual fantasy. Well, you trust him more than you trust her; she has form when it comes to reality destroying ventures. But this would be frivolous even by her standards.

"A birthday treat for River," was how your older self billed it when he found you. And the proposition was impossible to decline when it was delivered by your own crooked smile.

This is your favourite face of yours by a long stretch. You remember thinking the same thing last time, but you really outdid yourself at the eleventh time of asking. It's no surprise to you that River finds you so appealing when it feels like such a chore to pass a mirror without pausing.

Her first command as queen for the day is to bid you both undress. She reclines on the sofa watching you unbutton, unfasten, untie and undo until you are both naked and grinning at each other.

"May I?" you older self says, stepping towards you. Stupid question really, he knows what the answer will be. But of course it was intended for River, who responds with, "Please."

Your older self smirks as he presses his lips to your identical set. You both moan gently at finally knowing what it feels like to be kissed by your own mouth. You add tongues and teeth, and hands grasping down backs and cupping buttocks. And... Oh River, you lucky girl.

There's a whimper from the sofa and you glance across to see her, cheeks flushed, hand dipping into her knickers. "Well that won't do," your older self says, breaking away to join your wife on the sofa.

You watch as he takes her by the wrist and slips her guilty fingers out from between her legs. Her eyes are fixed on him and you feel the most irrational twinge of jealousy. He sucks her fingers one by one and her mouth falls open. You wish you'd thought of that. But you think of something else and stride over. You claim her mouth and slide your tongue past her lips to be met with the cool soft crush of hers. Your bravado is rewarded by her fingers wrapping deftly around your hardening cock, and you pant into her mouth.

You kiss down her throat and witness your other self undressing her from the waist down and, not to be outdone, you unbutton her blouse and release her from her bra. Her breasts are amazing as always; her nipples are already puckered and irresistible. You run your bottom lip over one and her back arches as you suck it into your mouth. The other you moves to her ear and says, "How do you want it? Lady's choice."

She hums for a second, and then pushes you back to sit; she straddles you, but doesn't quite sit in your lap, and kisses you furiously. Your hands rest on the backs of her thighs and she stops, puts a finger to your lips, then uses it to trail a line down from her throat. Your eyes follow it all the way down to the soft swell between her legs. You don't need to be told twice, so you hoist her up by the arse and slide your tongue between her folds.

She laughs a little as she almost loses her balance and props herself against the wall behind you with an arm, moving her leg out, allowing you to get your tongue right in to taste it all. She rocks slowly as you explore the familiar territory, her moans so soft that they are scarcely more than sighs.

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