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a heartbeat at my feet
Chapter 2
Chapter Text
i’ve got flowers and lots of hours to spend with you

“See, I told you the trilateral transmorphic setting would work. I don’t know why you question my sonic, River, you know good and well just what it can do.” He huffed as they strode back to the TARDIS and River laughed, arching a brow.

“Of course I do sweetie. It does everything but wood.” Her gaze dropped down for a moment and this time her laugh was slower. “Well, of the tree variety anyway.”

“River!” He sounded shocked and his hands hovered over his groin as he glared at her. “Anyone could hear you and it was one time and as I recollect, you didn’t mind the discovery of those settings one bit.”

“Oh I wasn’t complaining, sweetie. In fact, I bet if you tweak the-”

“River.” He interrupted her, his voice serious and she frowned, following his gaze to where the TARDIS was parked, its doors ajar.

“I locked the door after us, sweetie, I wouldn’t have forgotten.” Her voice was hushed and her hand automatically moved to hover over the plasma gun strapped to her thigh. The Doctor slapped her hand away.

“Why are you getting into stealthy jungle cat mode? We don’t know if anyone is in there or who they are or maybe someone got out.” He hissed the words by her ear and she looked at him incredulously.

“Stealthy jungle cat mode?” She repeated and he huffed, fiddling with his lapels.

“Yes, you know, you get all slow and quiet and prowly – it’s a bit sexy actually, but the point is there may be no one in there at all.” He waved at the doors and frowned. “What if he got out? What if we’velost him? No – no he’d come back, right? I mean he has all the fish fingers he can eat and an unlimited supply of bowtie collars here, why would he run away?”

“You think the Dogtor unlocked the TARDIS doors and what? Went for a jaunt?”

“Well it’s what I’d do.” The Doctor shrugged and River looked at him in disbelief. “Well it is! And you say often enough that he’s like I regenerated into a dog-” A bark sounded from inside the TARDIS, high pitched and playful and she and the Doctor looked at one another. “Well it doesn’t sound like anything’s amiss. I mean, he’d not greet intruders happily would he?”

She lifted her brows and rolled her eyes. “Have you met your dog?”

“He’s your dog.” The Doctor huffed in protest. “He’s going back with you and you know he’s your dog because he always climbs on top of you like you’re his personal pillow every night.” He sniffed and tugged on his jacket once more before taking her hand in his, and lacing his fingers through hers. “We really ought to get him a girl dog, so he can go sleep on his dog bed with her.”

“Now you want two dogs? Oh, of course.” She laughed and tugged him closer, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “You daft man.” He pushed open the doors and she followed him inside, only to walk into his back as he stopped suddenly. River peeked around his shoulders to see Dog sitting in front of the stairs, grinning madly and panting, brown hair every which way and his warm eyes bright. Not unusual – though normally when they came in he all but vibrated with happiness, leaping all over them in greeting. She’d tried to train it out of him, but with the Doctor following behind her and all but flinging himself on the console flooring in order for Dog to lick him all over, it wasn’t going very well.

What was unusual was the cat sitting next to him.

“What is that?” She spoke in a calm tone and the Doctor glanced over his shoulder with a scoffing expression.

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