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            A Failure to Communicate


River frowned deeply from across the table as she all but glared at the Doctor. She was frustrated, and the worst part was, she couldn’t even be properly mad at him when he sat there looking so dam enticing. His hair was flopped down over his eyes as he sat hunched over the sonic screwdriver he was working on. She stared at his fingers as they moved along the device and he skillfully re-wired a section. She hadn’t a clue why he needed a new one, he had a perfectly good one right in his pocket, yet he insisted that it had to be done.

Her fingers tapped against the side of the mug she was holding as she watched him. He stopped to push his sleeves further up his arm, and she bit her lips as her eyes roamed over the muscles of his arm, flexing and rippling as he carefully tinkered with the sonic.

She had been on the Tardis for two straight months now. One of which had been spent in pure agony. He hadn’t made a move to touch her once these last few weeks, and she was determined not to give in and initiate anything. She was always the aggressor, and it was starting to get old. She loved him, wanted him every second they were together, and yet when she wasn’t coming on to him, he barely touched her. She would get a quick brush of fingers over her lower back, a bop on the nose, or if she was really lucky, a quick peck on the cheek.

She could feel the burning sting of tears in her eyes as her thoughts ran rampant in her head. She was glad he was so preoccupied with his little toy, he hadn’t looked her way once in the past twenty minutes, and she’d hate for him to see the tears in her eyes. Why didn’t he want her? Was she getting too old? She glanced down at her body, still in fantastic shape or so she thought. Was he tired of her? They had been together quite a while, maybe he was just bored. But she had tried to keep it interesting, in and out of the bedroom.

Whenever they were together it was always a whirlwind, there wasn’t any time to be bored. Quiet moments like this never lasted long between them, and River realized it was because she was always dragging him off to the bedroom. She was always crawling into his lap with a wiggle and a smile full of promises of things to come. It was an interesting turn of events when she decided that if he wanted her, he needed to show her.  The plan had backfired. Instead of him going crazy with unfulfilled desire, he would smile softly and politely let her pick their destination for the day. It had gone on too long, and River had finally gotten the message that he didn’t want her as much as she wanted him.

A stray tear rolled down her cheek and her fingers quickly reached up to wipe it away. She looked down into her mug and stood as she walked over to the sink. She downed the last of her cold tea, placing the mug in the sink.

“I’m going to bed.” She muttered down to the drain as her fingers gripped the edge of the counter. Her insecurities were quickly turning to anger as she lifted her head and looked at the Doctor.

“Alright dear. I’ll be there in a bit.” He replied flatly, not even bother to glance up at her.

“Right.” She spat shortly as she strode out of the kitchen. That was it. She wasn’t going to his bedroom she couldn’t do another night together in bed with him. He’d give her a kiss on the forehead and lean back against the pillows, waiting for her to fall asleep so he could go back to whatever it was he was doing.  She didn’t like to sleep alone, especially when she had the option of sleeping with him. But if he didn’t want her, then she wasn’t going to subject him to having to lie in a bed with her.

She wandered down the halls of the Tardis until she came across her old room, the room she stayed in before they were married. She opened the door and made her way to the bed. With a sigh she sank down on the edge and hung her head in her hands as she took a deep breath, determined not to cry over this. When she could trust herself not to break down, she stripped out of her clothes and crawled under the covers. The lights dimmed automatically for her. At least the Tardis still cared.

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