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lay me down, let the only sound be the overflow

She tried to time it perfectly, but doing temporal mathematics when you’re not really sure of all the factors was a tricky thing. The TARDIS helped – she always did – but the old girl was tricky and liked to send you just left of where you needed to be.

Of course needed was a matter of perception, according to her.

She shook her head; the electric crackle of the manipulator still filled the air like a live hum around her. TARDIS console room, so she was at least in the right place. “Hopefully the right time.” She muttered under her breath. She ran a hand through her hair – travelling with the Vortex Manipulator always brought a whole new level to frizz management – and glanced around the empty room. The console lights were low – and she knew that it was the evening.

Suddenly Amy’s head popped out of the doorway above. “Oh thank god you’re here. Did you get my message? Well, I mean it was less a message and more me begging the TARDIS to send you a message, and I swear to god Rory kept going on and on about how we couldn’t be sure what you we’d get. But I told him that if the TARDIS could teach you how to fly her surely she’d know we needed a later you.” She barely paused for breath as she clambered down the stairs, her nightgown and robe billowing, but her bare feet made no sound. River smiled – her mother was just so damn Scottish at all times. “Wait – it is a later you right? Where’re you at in your diary then? Oh – was the trip hard? Do you need something to eat or drink – I just bet they’re not feeding you right in that pri- wait. Spoilers. Maybe. Aren’t you gonna say anything?!”

“Oh can I get a word in now, Mum?” River arched a brow in amusement and Amy pushed her gently in mock indignation.

“Too much like your father. Well, when are you then?” She demanded, cocking a hip and glaring at River.

“I just did Demon’s Run. Not two weeks ago-”

“Oh perfect. Good. Excellent. You can help then.” Amy stood up with a grin. “And Rory said it wouldn’t work. Ha!”

“Help with what? Why did you have the TARDIS call me? And where’s the Doctor?” River glanced around in confusion and Amy took her elbow, pulling her in closer, even though they were the only two in the room.

“We just did Berlin. You know. With... Mels.” Amy lowered her voice and River looked at her with sudden understanding. Berlin. Oh shehated to think of it.

“Oh.” She breathed out in understanding and Amy nodded.

“And the thing is, we’ve been in the vortex for three days now. Like the Doctor just... parked us here or something. And Rory and I – well, we can’t find him. And I know, I know, it’s a big ship, and the scanners say he’s on board but we’ve looked high and low but we can’t find him anywhere. I figure he’s off being all broody in a corner somewhere. Which is why I called you.” She sighed softly and glanced up at the time rotor, slowly moving above them. “I figured you’d be the one who could find him. And snap him out of it. He was so quiet, you know.” Amy bit her lip and shot a look over her shoulder.

“Broody quiet or thinking quiet?” River questioned and Amy looked back at her with an arched brow.

“There’s more than one kind of quiet? He’s never quiet. Ever. It was unnatural.”

“He can be. Where’s Dad?” She glanced up the stairs, her voice as low as her mother’s and Amy rolled her eyes.

“In bed – you are aware it’s the middle of the night, yeah? Nice time to drop in. Best to not wake him anyway. He’s been complaining the whole time. What can River do? And don’t give me that look – she was a baby four months ago.” Amy imitated her husband with a gruff voice and her face pulled down, and River laughed softly. “So can you – you know – find him? Use your timelord-y powers or whatever?”

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