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Chapter 6: boy genius
Chapter Text
prompt: River/Doctor, modern day crime drama


“I don’t need a partner.”

“Your last five partners have left-“

“Not my fault, by the way. I can’t help it if they can’t keep up. The last bloke couldn’t even make it past the crime scene.”

“You need someone to keep you in check, Doctor. Brilliant though you may be, you’re rubbish with the victims and I’ve found someone who-“

“I do the best thing possible for the victims! I find them justice. Now if that means I don’t have time to hold their hands or-“

“Your job Doctor is to provide security and protection. First and foremost - even while working homicide. Now I’ve found someone who I think can handle you.”


“I don’t understand, sir.”

“Transfer, Song. Effective immediately so you can drop those files off and pack your things. You’re going over to Homicide.”

“Homicide, sir?”

“I know you’ve been gunning for it, Song.”

“But I don’t have the time in-“

“Your solve rate is excellent, and your work with the victim’s unit has been exemplary.”

“I’ve been begging for this posting for months and kept getting turned away. Why now?”

“Keeping this job depends entirely on you, River. Your partner is… well, he’s notoriously difficult, to be frank. Best solve rate in the entire city - but he’s short-tempered and doesn’t play well with others.”

“Sounds like a dream,”

“Well, you never know. Maybe he just needs someone who won’t take his shit. Can you be that someone?”

“I absolutely can. Who will I be working with?”

“The Doctor.”


He was sat behind his desk, typing furiously and stopping occasionally to scribble on the notepad next to him. She glanced around his office - cluttered and messy - books everywhere and several crime scene shots pinned erratically around the walls. It looked a bit chaotic, but she smoothed her blouse and knocked on the door frame before entering.

He didn’t even look up. She walked in anyway - a little rudeness wasn’t going to stop her. “You must be the Doctor.”

He still didn’t respond. She narrowed her eyes at him, but he seemed completely engrossed in whatever was on his screen. She propped a hand on her hip and cleared her throat, loudly. Still nothing.

She waited a moment, before deciding he was just being plain childish, so she lifted her foot and kicked him under his desk. Hard. He glared up at her. “Oi! I am working here. Who the hell are you?”

“Well, if you’d responded when I knocked, or came in, then you wouldn’t be in this predicament would you?” She bit back, but inwardly she was cataloguing him - from his floppy brown hair to his square glasses to his loosened tie. He was actually quite good-looking in a lanky sort of way, she decided.

“Who’s being rude now? I asked who you were.” He pointed out, and she felt him glance over her just as thoroughly as she had him. She’d heard so much about him - brilliant mind, but anti-social.

“I’m your new partner.” He laughed out loud at that, and shook his head.

“No. No you’re not.”

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