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secrets stolen from deep inside

She watches him step out of his impossibly blue box, a feeling of lightness bubbling up in her chest until she has no choice but to let it overflow onto her face in the form of a bright smile. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

He adjusts the lapels of his jacket and grins at her unrepentantly. “Well, it doesn’t work like that, does it River? To be fair – you’re never expecting me. Unless of course I tell you to expect me – really you can only tell me when to expect you, I don’t think I’m the type to warn you. I like surprises. Or unless you call me I suppose. Then you could expect me but what me is the question. I wonder how that works? Who decides which me gets the message? I’d hate to think it’s all up to fate or maybe-” He ambles toward her as he speaks and she laughs, shaking her head and holding up a hand.

“Fair enough.” She acknowledges him and he laughs very slightly, reaching her side and taking her hand in his. His long fingers curl around hers and she smiles brightly.

“You know most people wouldn’t have even understood what I was saying just then.” His thumb is stroking the back of her hand and she leans forward with a conspiratorial smile.

“I’m not most people, Doctor.”

“And don’t I know it, River Song.” His hand tightens around hers as he looks down at her with a soft look in his ancient eyes.

“And to what do I owe this surprise?” She smiles up at him, her heart beating a staccato rhythm against her chest in anticipation. No matter what, no matter when, no matter where they were – it was never dull.

“I missed you, is all. Been several weeks since you’ve left the last time, I found myself rather eager to see you again.” His cheeks suffuse with a dull red and she laughs out loud, her hand squeezing his.

“I’m glad. Shall we find out when we are?” She moves to walk over to her cot, where her diary is lying open, but his hand retains her, and pulls her back toward him.

“I’ve done the Byzantium, the pandorica, New York and Utah. Not important though, because the point is I know you and you know me and I thought today we’d try something more low key.” She glances up at him with an amused smile – they never ever accomplish low key no matter how many times he tries to suggest it. She wonders if this is the first attempt for him. It’s a lesson he’ll have to learn sometime, she supposes. She disentangles her fingers from his and walks over to her cot, picking up her satchel on the way. She shoves her diary in there, as well as her manipulator and her PDA. The last thing she packs is her gun. “I said low key, River!”  His voice is right at her shoulder and she jumps.

“It never hurts to be prepared, Doctor.” She points out mildly. “Should I change or-”

“I’m sure I have something for you to wear, if you need it.” His tone is distracted as he pulls her by the hand toward the tardis.

“If I need it?” She takes the opportunity to tease him and she watches the tips of his ears turn red with a smile. It’s actually quite adorable. “Is this a clothing optional low key journey, Doctor?” They’re inside the ship by now and he shakes his head.

“No – of course not!” He sounds scandalized. “Well I mean, I’m not ruling it out – never rule out all the possibilities I always say – otherwise nothing fun would ever happen at all.”

“Where are we going?” She is leaning against the railing, watching him prance around the console flicking switches and pressing buttons like an overzealous child. She often wonders how one man can be so ancient and youthful, all at once. He is a paradox – self-contradictory, but it’s one of the things she loves most dearly about him.

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