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Chapter 1
Chapter Text
Turkish delight on a moonlit night

“Okay, this might be a tricky one Ponds.” The Doctor whirled about the console with a delighted grin, flipping switches and pressing buttons. “Amelia, you might want to change.”

Amy glanced down at her wedding dress with a grin. “And what about you two?”

“No! Look at me Pond, I look cool. Besides, going to see a Sultan, we may as well be dressed for the occasion!” The Doctor exclaimed in excitement, pausing for a moment to beam over at them. “The Ponds. On the TARDIS. I like it.”

“I’m sorry did you say the Orient Express. In space?” Rory held a hand in the air as he questioned the Doctor.

“Of course!  Twenty-ninth century, the earth was destroyed by solar flares. Everyone packed up and – wait, have I said this before?” He paused, mid-stride and Rory shook his head. “Right, right, you missed that one. You know sometimes Rory, I forget that you weren’t just always with us. Anyway – earth boom, everyone moved onto spaceships. Starships. Giant countries floating through space.”

“Starship UK. And the starwhale,” Amy added helpfully, elbowing her husband gently. “Remember? I told you-”

“Oh yeah! But – so all the countries had their own starships?” Rory frowned and the Doctor nodded.

“Yes! Well, no. Well, more or less.”

“But you said the Orient Express. That hasn’t run for – what, it’s last run was in 2007, wasn’t it? There was a whole big thing about it on the telly.” The Doctor nodded at Rory’s words, inputting coordinates and wobbling the wibbly levers before he slid left with a grin, popping his head around the monitor to see Rory’s frown and Amy’s expectant face.

“Doctor, explain. What Sultan? And what goddess?” Amy crossed her arms and stared at him, waiting.

“Well see the Ottoman Empire reformed in the twenty seventh century. So much war, centuries upon centuries of it and what do they do? Bam! Right back to the monarchy. Ottoman Empire built their own starship, and the Orient Express runs from Starship France to the Starship Ottoman – just like it did in its glory days back on Earth. Makes a few other stops too, but that’s the general line.” He pulled the monitor round and turned the dials, studying the screen in front of him. Best to land in the royal cabins then, he supposed.

“And the goddess?”  Rory asked, leaning against the railing.

“Egyptian. Can’t be really – not possible, actually. She was sealed in the Seventh Obelisk. Goddesses – so moody you know? And let me tell you, moving the pyramids onto a starship was no mean feat, but then you have to deal with all sorts popping up. Pharaohs and their wives, gods who should never have been moved – it was a mess let me tell you.” The TARDIS wheezed gently, and the Doctor paused, flicking off the monitor and clapping. “And here we are! And I guess now you have no time to change, Pond. You’re going to look odd inthat, I must say.”

Amy pulled her veil off her head, dropping it into the jump seat as she glared at him. “Says the man who travels everywhere in tweed and bowties.”

“Bowties are cool, Pond. How many times must I tell you this?” He flung open the doors of the TARDIS and stepped out into the royal cabins of the Orient Express. Rich red brocade draped the walls, and thick gold carpeting spread beneath their feet. There were several windows, and the vast expanse of space was just beyond them, millions of stars in a velvet backdrop.  The Doctor glanced around the empty compartment and Amy and Rory followed him.

“Wow.” Rory spoke in a hushed voice, moving over to the windows and looking out at the space beyond.  “Wow.”

“Clear aluminum – clever, eh? Can’t have glass windows, you know. Ah trains. I love a good train. Especially space ones. Well – unless they happen to get stranded. Bad things, very not good things then. But on the whole, I do love a good train ride.” Rory glanced at the Doctor and tapped his knuckles against what he’d assumed was glass. A metallic sound greeted him and he looked startled. Amy joined him at the window, looking left.

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