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we are learning to make fire.

He’s humming as he trips through Amy’s garden toward the TARDIS, and she smiles at the sight. She loves him at weddings, especially this one. This wedding is special, because it is Amy and Rory, because it is a return, a triumph, a victory and a celebration of love and everything within the entire universe.

She’d avoided the reception, but she had stood at the back of the church during the wedding – how many people got a chance like this? She wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to watch her own parents get married. It was odd, strange, and reassuring because there had just been so much love in that church, it was like you could reach out and touch it in the air. Joy and excitement, delight and affection had practically resonated the very air molecules all around them.

And of course he saw it, felt it, was practically born out of it all, and she likes that thought meandering through her head. He is as old as time, aged and wise, but in some ways they were both created today, because of this wedding.

He is unlocking the TARDIS doors when she steps out, a smile on her face. “Did you dance? Well you always dance at weddings, don’t you?” He pauses, waiting a moment before turning to watch her walking toward him. Her diary is tucked under his arm and she wonders if he peeked. She would have, in his place, she thinks.

“You tell me.” He steps toward her as he is speaking and she smiles, moving in closer.

“Spoilers.” She enjoys saying it this time, because the memories associated with it are all good ones. The best ones, really, even if he really just cannot dance. He enjoys it, and she has many wonderful memories of being dragged into the joy of it all with him.

He grins too, and pulls the diary out from under his arm, holding it out to her. “The writing’s all back, but I didn’t peek.” It’s on the tip of her tongue to question just how he knows the writing is all back if he didn’t even glance through it, but his hand brushes hers as he hands her the book and she simply smiles instead, enjoying the moment as she tucks the diary under her own arm.

“Thank you.” She speaks softly, and he nods, pulling out her Vortex Manipulator and handing her that as well. She begins to strap it on, thinking about how grateful she is that she left it with him, in the underhenge. How many things could have gone just so very wrong if one small thing hadn’t been done? It is a sobering thought, indeed. How close she came to a life without him. Those blank pages were something she never ever wanted to see again. She resists the urge to rifle through the book under her arm and check, just to be sure. When she glances up he is looking at her thoughtfully, with an intense curiosity and it feels familiar and welcome.

“Are you married, River?” His voice is soft and slow and she freezes for a moment before covering it with fumbling fingers at the strap of her manipulator and what she hopes is a breezy smile.

“Are you asking?” She shoots back easily, deflecting him with humour.

“Yes.” He answers quickly and she smiles, arching her brow and deciding that teasing him is and always will be her favourite past time.

“Yes.” She responds with a smirk and he leans forward, tilting his head as he realizes just how his previous answer could have been taken.

“Hang on, did you think I was asking you to marry me or – or or asking if you were married?” His tone is panicked and confused and she laughs at how easily flustered he is.

“Yes.” She answers simply and leans forward a little flirtatiously, but she can’t seem to help herself. His eyes are wide and fastened on her face and he just looks so adorable when he’s this young. Can she be blamed for enjoying it? He certainly did when their situations were reversed.

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