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                 May she rest in peace


Professor River Song is dead. Now, the only remainder of the once vivacious archaeologist is a mere imprint of her consciousness, containing her memories and personality, now forever bound in the hard-drive of the CAL super-computer in The Library, having released thousands of forgotten souls trapped souls from the very programme which she is now fated to spend the rest of the foreseeable ever. She died whilst saving four thousand and twenty two people, but, in all honestly, really, she had only done it to save one.

The most important one. . .

Her Doctor.

She is gone from this world now, only a memory, that only that one man will never really forget.

May she rest in peace.

. . .

Yeah. Right. As if.

The truth is, though River Song is still technically dead, she really has no intention of remaining that way.

Though, the 'life' provided by CAL, was all well and good, the fictitious existence was quiet, complacent, serene, but River Song just wasn't the kind of girl to settle down with a simulated story of peace and tranquillity, raising mass copied versions of false children, or spending an artificial afterlife with four colleagues, agreeable as they were. The other victims of the Vashda Nurada had all settled down, and seemed accepting, if not content with their lot. Certainly it was pleasant, definitely an improvement on River's stint in Stormcage, but after a while she found herself... well bored.

And that just didn't sit well with her.

Goodness knew the computer had tried to convince her otherwise, but , well, it was the mind of a child. And none of the others seemed to really understand her desperate need to return, to escape, to get back to reality, back to the Doctor. She'd told them little about him, only mentioning him at the last moment because she had told him to meet her there. Even before they had left for The Library expedition, her companions had regarded her with a respectful wariness, obviously having heard stories of her, the mysterious River Song, before, after and during her incarceration.

Convicted murderers tended to have that effect on people.

The fact that none of them had ever asked her anything about her chequered background, other than the purely academic, clearly told her they were all still a little afraid of her.

Which they probably should be, of course. It was a something she'd long since grown accustomed to.

But both the 'survivors' (of sorts) and CAL were united in their convictions that there was no way out. She had not been teleported away, and after the hasty departure of the released four thousand twenty two 'saved', the Vashda Nurada had been of a mind to make a tasty meal in the form of her corpse,which CAL had hastily...absorbed. However the energy from the download had definitely killed her, so reanimation was out of the picture. She was just a well preserved data-ghost like the rest of them.

It was utterly impossible, they said, the smart thing to do would to accept it and enjoy her afterlife in relative peace.

But River Song had long since stopped using words like 'impossible' and 'unfeasible' . If the Doctor could bring the universe back, from complete non-existence, wearing a fez while he was at it, and Amelia Pond had managed to bring him back from the Void on her wedding day,(with help from yours truly of course) then River was pretty bloody sure she could bring herself back to the land of the living.

This was the River Song who'd once made a Dalek plead for mercy before she'd exterminated it. She could do it.

It was just taking an awfully long time.

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