five years later

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TW:Short, fluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuffffffffffff

Sayings tended to be really, really dumb. But one that wasn't, was time flies when you're having fun. It was incredibly true. Five years had felt like nothing, and before Virgil or Roman knew it, they were engaged. They had set their wedding date in June. It had been a few months since the engagement, and the wedding was already only one month away.

In a way, everyone got a happy ending. Remus and Janus got married. No grand wedding, just a legal wedding with  only a few witnesses. After years of being thick flirts, Patton and Logan finally started to date, and were the most PDA couple you'd ever meet. Roman and Virgil adopted their child. No it's not a human, it's a cat. Human children are a hassle. It's name is Willow.

Both Virgil and Roan's audiences were growing, quickly. And a lot of people declared them the cutest internet couple. Roman loved the title, Virgil, not so much. But back to the audience growth.

Virgil's audience had become so large that one of his videos had reached his parents. Well, only his mom. Virgil's parents had divorced soon after Virgil had been kicked out. Virgil's mom had been searching for him since. Let's just say it was starling to receive an email from someone who you were completely sure hated you.

Things turned out alright though. While it was hard to trust his mother again, Virgil was trying. He even managed to drag her into being in a video, something he had never even dreamed of doing.

Things had changed tons since back then. And most of the changes were for the better. The wedding was basically completely planned, so Roman and Virgil had a lot of free time. Free time led them to have bad ideas. And a very certain bad idea led them to walking down to the tattoo shop they had discovered.

Time passed(I'm to lazy to figure out how much exactly) and the two walked out of the shop, hands slipping together. Roman loved to say that they were meant for each other since their hands fit into each other really nicely.  Logan always tried to argue that's just how hands work but Roman wouldn't hear it.

Now, on their wrists were little text speech bubbles, one saying 'Hello there!' and the other 'Who tf are you'

 No one else would really understand it. But they did. Those sets of words had become their thing, and a reminder of when they weren't as happy as they were now.

The two walked home, laughing, talking, Roman delivered a quick kiss ever so often. So yes, answering wrong number calls isn't the best idea, it's not advised at all. But answering Roman's text, was the greatest mistake of Virgil's life.

Sorry it's so short. I hope you enjoyed this train wreck of a fic! If you want to check them out I have other sander sides fics since writing is like all I do with my free time. TwT. Anyway, have a great day, you're valid, you're loved and you better be hydrated!

Word count:551

Wrong Number Princey (Prinxiety)Where stories live. Discover now