ring pop promise

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TW:Fluff, like lots of it, like you could get sick if it wasn't so poorly written,

Things were amazing. Roman still couldn't believe that this was his life. If you had told 12 year old Roman that in the future he was a successful actor with accepting friends and an amazing boyfriend, he would've laughed at you. After all, how could a ragged orphan make it that far in life? Things had changed, a lot.

It had been a year since the videos had been released. Virgil and Roman had toughed through that year, staying with each other through the dark and good days. And every day Roman found himself falling for Virgil even more. So, he decided to finally make it clear. Of course, he wouldn't move too fast. Virgil was still working out all his mental issues, and to be honest, so was Roman.

But a little gesture wouldn't hurt, right?

So, Roman started to work with Logan and Patton. Soon after Janus and Remus got pulled into it as well. And thus began, project Promise Ring.

Roman knew he wanted a way to play it off as a joke, but he also wanted it to be romantic enough that it wasn't completely ridiculous. And Remus, had a very Remus idea. A smart Remus idea, but a Remus one.

Ring pops.

Roman could use a ring pop instead of a real ring. It was ridiculous, but it would work. Just in case though, Roman got a regular ring. Better safe than sorry.

Virgil had this obsession with the night, and stars. He just loved them, a lot.  Probably for the aesthetic. Roman decided to take Virgil star-gazing in this field he had found. It was the perfect balance of casual and dramatic that the two basically lived in at this point.

After a few weeks of planning and being an anxious mess, it was time.

Roman held Virgil's hand as they walked, fumbling with the two ring boxes in his pocket. The pocket of a hoodie he stole from Virgil . Virgil looked at him, getting worried.

"Roman, are you okay?" Virgil said, trying to read his boyfriends face.

Roman blinked and nodded. "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. Just a bit... distracted I guess."

Virgil sighed. "You need to take more breaks. Just because you're a more professional person than me doesn't mean you get to throw your mental health away."

Roman smiled at him. "Yes, but I'm also not as messed up as you are."

Virgil rolled his eyes, smiling a bit. "Touche." He squeezed Roman's hand, adjusting his grip on the flashlight.

"There it is." Roman pointed to an opening in the trees. It was deep enough in the woods the lights from the city wouldn't  over the stars. Roman pretty much dragged Virgil into the opening.

Virgil stared up, grinning. His hand slipped out of Roman's, switching off the flashlight. It was a full moon, and the sky was filled with stars. The opening was really a pretty large field. The sky really did seem like a huge dome, covering the Earth.

Roman took a deep breath, grabbing the ring pop box. Now or never. "Virgil..." He started, gaining his boyfriends attention. "We've gone through a lot together, and every time I see you, talk to you, do anything with you, I fall more, and more in love. You've made me feel so much happier, and I truly am the luckiest man to have you by my side."

Slowly he opened the box and held it out to Virgil, smiling a bit. "I'm not exactly proposing, a bit too soon for that. But one day in the future, will you marry me?"

Virgil was staring at Roman, and very slowly he started to grin and tackle hugged Roman, laughing. The two feel to the ground, now both laughing.

"Really, a ring pop?" Virgil said, grinning down at Roman. "At least I got a real ring." Virgil reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out a ring box.

"Oh my god," Roman laughed, sitting up. "And for your information, I did get a real ring." He got out the other box.

Virgil shook his head, grinning. "Well this belongs to you." He handed Roman his box.

Roman handed Virgil's the one he got. "And this you." Their hands brushed during the exchange, and despite the fact they'd been dating for literally a year, they both blushed. Some things never change I guess.

The two spent the rest of the night in that field, talking, cuddling, and just being there with each other. The first rays of the sun had started to show when they left, both tired and half asleep. Virgil drove, since he was one, used to being sleep deprived, two, not the one who got into a car accident before.

As soon as the two got home they crashed, falling asleep as soon as they flopped onto their bed. One year ago they had not known each other, one year ago they had both been struggling to hide parts of them that shouldn't be hidden. One year ago, Virgil got a text, a simple text really, just, "Hello there!"

Word count:843

hey, psssssssst, wonder what the rings looked like? No? Too bad you're seeing them.

Pretty sure we all know what a ring pop looks like. The color can be whatever you want it to be.

Roman's:(the one Virgil bought)

Virgil's:(the one Roman bought)

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Virgil's:(the one Roman bought)

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