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Damn that's a long name-

TW:Panic attack, gay panic, a LOT of cussing,

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. SHIT. Not only was fucking Janus in the other room, now Roman was here. Fucking Roman. The dude Virgil is really gay for. So Virgil's crush AND his old friend were in one place. He. Was. So. Screwed.

"Oh hey Virgil!" Roman said, putting his hand on Virgil's shoulder. FaNtAsTiC. Just great.

Virgil flinched away from the contact, though he tried to stop himself. It was like his brain just didn't connect with the rest of his body. Roman frowned, seeming worried. "Virge? Are you okay?"

Virgil shook his head, struggling to breath normally. He tried to talk, but no words came out, just a small pathetic whimper. Fuck. Shit. What the hell. Roman was talking again, but Virgil couldn't make out what he was saying. It was as if someone had switched off the audio switch in his head. Fuuuuuuuck.

A hand rested on his shoulder again, but this time Virgil couldn't fight back. He felt like he could fall over at anytime, so having that hand was sort of helpful. That hand guided him out of the building, putting distance between Virgil and Janus.

1. 2. 3. Virgil took deep breaths, starting to count in his head. 4. 5. 6. He let his eyes close, shutting out everything around him. 8. 9. 10. Slowly he was able to hear again. 10. 9. 8. Virgil started to count backwards. 6. 5. 4. His shaking stopped, and he was able to stand normally again. 3. 2. 1. Virgil's heartrate slowed, and he let his eyes open.

Roman was standing in front of him, seeming really worried. "Virge?" He asked, careful to not stand to close to the shorter person.

"I'm fine... now." Virgil said, looking around. His thoughts were catching up, which limited his processing time.

Roman nodded. "What even happened back there?" He looked past Virgil at the bakery. "Patton said you just broke down..."

"It's a long story..." Virgil smiled a bit, pushing back the memories that tired to fight their way up. "A really, really long story."

"Then I guess we should save it for later," Roman nodded, handing Virgil a small package. "Patton wanted you to have this, no need to pay."

Virgil opened it to find a cupcake that looked a lot lie the bakery. He smiled a bit. "I would go in and thank him, but I have no clue if I could."

Roman smiled. "I can for you." He crossed his arms, leaning to on side. "Want to hang out later?"

Virgil shrugged. "Sure, right now though, I need to go calm down."

The two said their goodbyes and parted ways, Roman going back into his friend's bakery and Virgil going home. Patton looked up from the counter as Roman walked in. "Is he okay?"

Roman nodded. "Yeah, he's heading home to calm down," He leaned against the counter. "He says thanks for the cupcake."

Patton smiled a bit. "It was the least I could do. I wish I knew what caused it..." He sighed, looking around his shop.

"I'm going to hang out with him later on, so I could try to figure it out." Roman said, nodding. 

Patton smiled at him. "Alright, just, be careful?" Roman smiled and made a dramatic gesture.

"I'm always careful Pat."


Virgil was cute. Really fucking cute. And really fucking hot. Like, never before had a dude ever been that cute. Shit.

You may be wondering how this came to be. Well kids, Roman had just been scrolling through Instagram(avoiding the shipping community of course), when Virgil posted. Virgil posting on Instagram was a very rare thing, so it surprised Roman.

As soon as our dear actor opened it he was shot. Shot by fUcKiNg perfectness. Virgil had posted a selfie of himself, curled up on his couch, with a few snacks in nothing but weird Nicolas Cage pajama pants.

Yes, the pants were weird.

And yes, Virgil was hot and cute.

What. The. Hell.

So, Roman had been staring at that picture for about five minutes when he finally snapped out of it. The caption just read, 'After panic flop time, probably not going to move for the rest of the day.'

But, it might have read, 'Hah, just thought I'd make Roman gay panic because I'm a big meanie'

Because that's what that damn picture did.

Roman was gay. Only problem was, no one knew Roman was gay. Well, Patton knew, but Patton knew everything. Maybe the shippers were right, Roman was heads over heels for Virgil, but there was no way Virgil would like him back.

At the end of the Dark Days, Virgil had declared he wouldn't want a romantic relationship for a long time. His reasoning was that he just wasn't stable enough for something like that. It was the main reason shipping was pretty small in Virgil's fanbase. It had only been a year since that video had been released.

Virgil just wasn't interested in a relationship. And that was fine. But Roman was really gay, and really hoped somehow, in some strange universe, Virgil felt the same. And in that strange universe, they would get together and have something more than they did.

But of course, that was just Roman getting ahead of himself and ignoring reality. Better to stay ground and keep his head out of the clouds. He didn't want to get hurt in a way that was really hard to recover from.

Word count:895

Just a quick thing, the next chapter is gonna have a pretty big time skip, and as you can tell by the tweet dates, this is not set at all at current timing. It's way off. Just wanted to make that known!

Bye, stay safe and hate the government! <3

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