Video? More like complete mess

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Warning:Minor sexual reference

The two started talking about what they wanted to do to recording. Though, the two kept getting distracted by random honestly bullshit things. And before either even realized it had been an entire hour and they had yet to think of a single idea.

Virgil looked ta the clock, and sighed. "It's been an entire hour, we need to think of something." He pulled out his phone. "Google shall be our savior."

Roman's eyes lit up. "I got an idea!" Virgil raised an eyebrow at him, prompting him to continue. "We could look at each other google's search history."

Virgil nodded. "Yeah, that's a good idea," He smiled a tad. "Do we want to record today or tomorrow?"

"I mean, we still have time today." Roman stood up, grinning at the still sitting Virgil. Virgil nodded, standing up with a over-dramatic sigh. "I'll get my camera."

A few minutes later they were seated in Virgil's living room with his somewhat cheep filming set up facing them.

"Alright, three, two, one," Virgil switched the camera on, flopping back onto the couch. Roman was hiding his face behind a pillow. 

"Hello freaks, peeps and all others, you may notice that there's an er, guest here," Virgil almost broke off laughing. Roman made a face at him behind the pillow. "Want to give them a hint?" Virgil was half talking half just laughing.

Roman made a mix between a screech and a whale sound, making Virgil complete break down in laughter. Roman removed the pillow, sticking his tongue out at Virgil.

"It's me," Roman said, turning back to the camera. "Surprise!"

Virgil shook off his laughter, nodding with a smile. This, was going to be interesting.

They filmed for about a half hour, and each minute was filled with absolute madness. Virgil was almost sad that they couldn't just do this all day. They wrapped up filming and after twenty minutes Roman had to leave.

Overall, Virgil had to admit that it was probably the most fun he'd ever had.

Virgil started the editing process that day, and stayed up editing for basically the rests of the night. At around 1:00am he decided to stop and head to bed.

The next day Virgil finished up editing, deciding to wait a bit longer before putting the video out. due to complete boredom he pulled out his phone to find a text from Roman.




Virgil:Alright then

Roman:Just wanted to talk to you and had no clue how to start


Virgil:I finished editing the video

Roman:That was fast

Roman:Did you even sleep last night?

Virgil:I did sleep

Virgil:For two hours, but it was done


Virgil:At LeAsT i SlePt


Virgil:I regret telling you my name

Roman:No you dont :)


Roman:I'm so screentshotting that


Roman:You can't stop me >:3

Virgil:I feel so attacked

Roman:-screenshot of the conversation-

Virgil: :(




Roman: :D

Virgil: :0

Fuck he was gay.

Virgil was way too gay for his own good.

How dare Roman be so HOT and so CUTE and so FUCKING WONDERFUL. That should be illegal. Very, very illegal. What. The. Hell.

Virgil buried his face in the couch pillow, completely at a lose of what to do. So, like always, he turned to the internet. Because the internet was his entire life. Geeze that sounded depressing.

Virgil then saw that Roman, had indeed, tweeted out their conversation

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Virgil then saw that Roman, had indeed, tweeted out their conversation. And had tagged him in it. Normally Virgil would be fine with that, but Roman had a certain following, and tagging him meant that it was possible that following would look at Virgil's socials. And Virgil's content, was not made for Roman's following.

He sighed and grabbed his computer, knowing that posting a video and scrolling through the first comments was always a pretty good distraction. Only a few seconds after the video was uploaded, people started to hop on. The comments had already become a mess of madness, most of them freaking out because Roman fucking Juniper was on Virgil's channel.

And while scrolling through the comments, Virgil found one from Roman's account. Quickly he pinned it, and hearted it. Common internet curtsy.

Roman:Fantastic video, really liked the people in it

Virgil:Dude you were in the video

Roman:Part of what makes it so great

Virgil:You sir have so much ego

Roman:I am well aware :)

Virgil:Can I have some? Like please?

Roman:Afraid not lol

Virgil:You greedy son of a bitch

Roman:Watch your motherfucking language

Virgil:mAkE mE


Roman:Okay bottom

Virgil: :0

Virgil:911 I have been attacked

Roman:Hah HAH

Virgil: :(

Virgil felt like throwing his phone across the room and screaming into a pillow. Straight guys were always a pain in the ass. Wait fuck that did not sound great. Abort mission! It was time to jump off the boat into the sea of shame and complete regret. Aka Virgil's permanent home.

Moral of the story:Guys are hot, Virgil's gay, and Roman is such a fucking flirt but straight as hell.

Also, Virgil is a thick, oblivious FOOL.

Word count:797

Sorry this chapters a bit shorter than the others, that was just a good place to end it. Ignore that most of the past chapters have been Virgil gay panicking, roman will have his gay moments soon uwu

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