Who tf are you?

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Virgil was just sitting around, taking a break from editing his most recent video when his phone buzzed. Assuming it was Logan checking that he was alright he picked up his phone to answer. But instead of seeing a text from 'Nerd' he found one from an unknown number.

Now Virgil usually didn't answer anything from an unknown number. After all, who knew what was on the other side? But at the moment his mind was not functioning like normal, and so despite his better judgement, he opened the text, and typed out his answer.

Unknown:Hello there!

Virgil:Who tf are you

Unknown:We met at Mia's party last night, Roman?

Virgil:I have no clue who either of those people are

Unknown:What? Are you sure?

Virgil:Pretty sure you got the wrong number

Virgil expected it to just end there, but nooooooo. It had to go on.

Unknown:Well this is embarrassing

Unknown:What are you like?

Virgil:Excuse me?

Unknown:What are you like? Personality, looks

Virgil:Why the hell do you want to know?

Unknown:I got a number expecting to have a new friend, might as well keep with

Virgil rolled his eyes. The nerve of this guy! However, the idea of having a friendship where the other person had no clue who he really was, felt appealing. Virgil hated the idea of getting fake friends just because he made videos on the internet that had just started to gain views. It was starting to get hard to find out who really cared about him and who just wanted clout. So this, was a great idea for him.

Virgil:Well what are you like

Unknown:I do a lot of acting, it's my job after all!

Virgil:You said your name was Roman right?

Unknown:Indeed, how about you?

Virgil changed the contact name to 'Roman', promising himself he'd find a better more funny one. No one on his phone had a serious name, not even Logan.

Virgil:Just call me V

Roman:Well aren't you mysterious

Virgil:Think of it like a video game, you'll unlock it in the future

Roman:I do like a good challenge

Virgil laughed and shook his head. Telling Roman his name might reveal who he was. Since  'Virgil' wasn't a common name at all. It's not that it was a bad name, it just was easy to recognize.

Roman:Just so that I'm not misgendering when I tell my friends about the mysterious man in my texts pronouns?

Virgil:He/him. I see you are a man of not being an ass too

Roman:Of course lol

Roman:He/him for me

Virgil:Got it

Virgil broke out in a grin. It happened every time someone asked him his pronouns. It already felt like he could tell Roman about IT, though, that was still a risk. Better to be safe and careful then get cursed out and possibly threatened.

Roman:So V, what do you look like?

Virgil:That's non of your damn business

Roman:Alright than keep your secrets

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