well fuck

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Virgil was so goddamned fucked. Everything had gone completely to shit. Like what the absolute hell was happening? He opened his message app again, hoping he had just misread what the message said, but nope, it was exactly the same as before. He. Was. So. Fucked.

4 Hours Earlier

Virgil took off his headphones, playing the video through again. He had finally finished editing, and an entire two hours early! Meaning he had two hours to sit around before he released it. So, he did what any sensible person would do and continued to watch the show he had been binging.

Jack Let Go was honestly really boring. The only reason Virgil hadn't dropped it straight away was because of Teddy. Not only was Teddy funny and very likeable, he was pretty damn hot. Virgil would be completely lying if he said he watched the show for the plot, he watched it for Teddy.

After about a half hour of watching it Virgil revived a text from Roman,


Virgil:I'm just watching some show, you?

Roman:Finishing up a project

Virgil:Am I allowed to know what this project is?


Virgil:And you though i was secretive

Roman:Good point

Roman:Id say we're equal

Virgil:Oml what is your grammar

Roman:Uhhh, dead. :)

Virgil burst out laughing at his friends response, turning off the TV so he could focus completely on this conversation. He was slowly growing more attached to this Roman, and even though that was a risk, Virgil didn't care at all.

Two hours passed pretty quickly, and before Virgil knew it, it was time to upload the video. He quickly tweeted out about it's release and flopped on his couch to wait for it to gain views. He let a half hour pass before opening up Twitter to check on the replies, and was beyond shocked to find the first one.

It was from Roman Juniper.

Roman. Fucking. Juniper.

The person who played the incredibly hot side character that Virgil had gushed about online, watched Virgil's videos. Roman fucking Juniper knew who he was. And in that moment Virgil felt like the entire world stopped. The really hot possibly gay dude knew he existed. What. The. Hell.

The shock faded enough for Virgil to like the reply, but he still had no clue what else to do. So like in every panic inducing moment, he texted Logan.


Virgil:Roman fucking juniper replied to my tweet

Virgil:what the hell do i do

Nerd:First of all your grammar could use work. Second, I believe a proper thing to do would be to reply to him.

Virgil:But like how?!

Virgil:He's such a big deal and he knows i exist!

Nerd:In case you didn't notice, you too are a big deal. Perhaps you should offer up a collab chance?

Virgil:Are you kidding me? I can barely talk to him online let alone in person!

Nerd:It's something to think on. I'm sure you can figure this out, you always find a way to.

Virgil sighed and put his phone down, shoving his head into a pillow. Now usually he would make a post about this, but Roman Juniper probably followed him. He should probably check that. But that seemed like it would bring more panic. So, Virgil went to his other coping strategy, recording a video.

Virgil's videos had started off pretty silly and weird. He had started making them when he had started high-school, and was still called Vera. But then the grand gender crisis happened. He chopped off his hair and started going by Virgil. It was around that time his videos became a coping mechanism. A lot of the videos from that time period were pretty dark, and a lot Virgil made private.

But now the videos were a lot lighter and closer to what they had used to be. They still held the ability to calm Virgil down, but he had found a healthy balance. Well, as healthy as it was going to be. This job involved a lot of stress and worry, but it meant Virgil was doing things he loved, and helping people out there who are going through what he went through, and that's what he wanted to do.

After recording footage that would probably never see the light of day, Virgil checked his phone, seeing a text from roman.

Roman:Hey I have a feeling you'll like this! (link to Virgil's video cause like wtf I can't link a normal one)

Virgil was so goddamned fucked. Everything had gone completely to shit. Like what the absolute hell was happening? He opened his message app again, hoping he had just misread what the message said, but nope, it was exactly the same as before. He. Was. So. Fucked.

Roman knew who he was. Well, Roman already knew him but he knew about Anxious247. That, was really really bad. How long had he been watching him?! Had Roman been there for the dark days? How much did this man know about him without really about him without really knowing it was him?

what the hell was Virgil's life anymore.

Roman re-watched the video for the second time, smiling. He had a feeling V would like Virgil. Not only did their names start with the same letter-


With that thought, a crazy idea popped into Roman's head. Was there a chance V was Virgil?! The likelihood was really small, but still there. And getting more and more believable the more Roman thought about it.

V could be Virgil, and Roman was determined to find out.

Word count:885

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