hospital (!)

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I am in shock. 5th in the Prinxiety tag! Thank you all so, so much!

I finally set a month this is happening in TwT

TW:Mention of car crashes, angst, praying and atheism,

Virgil had been curled up on his bed when he got the call. At first, he had thought it was a dumb prank call, but quickly realized it wasn't. Roman was in the hospital.

Within ten minutes Virgil was there, pacing around the ER waiting room. Patton and Logan showed up together, both seeming as worried as Virgil.

"Virgil.... Are you alright?" Logan looked at his friend, worry shining in his eyes. "I saw the interview with Roman, I doubt he meant those thinks."

Virgil shook his head, the numbness still haunting the back of his head. "It doesn't matter Logan...." He sighed, looking towards the area Roman would be in.

Patton hugged Virgil, tearing up a bit. "Yes it does! And I know Roman didn't mean that, he just panicked."

Virgil pushed Patton away, careful not to hurt him. "It. Doesn't. Matter." He avoided looking at the two, sitting against the wall. He could feel them staring at him, but he just shook it off.

A half an hour and a few minutes later, a doctor approached them. "Are you Roman Juniper's family?"

Patton looked at the other sand half nodded. "Biologically? No, but we are his family."

The doctor nodded, taking a deep breath. Virgil stared at the doctor, and for the first time since he had been kicked out of his family's house, he started to pray. Virgil wasn't really religious, the idea of some all powerful thing being able to control everything scared him. But now, that thing was pretty needed.

"He's alive," The doctor started, and all three let out a collective sigh, "And in a mostly stable condition. He's unconscious now, we don't know when he'll wake up, but he will."

"Can we visit him?" Patton stood from where he had been sitting, and the other two followed suite.

The doctor nodded. "Of course. Go to the front desk and they'll tell you the room number. Only one at a time though."

Logan nodded at him. "Thank you." And with that the three hurried to the desk, and then to Roman's room. Once there they looked at each other.

"Virgil, you should go in first..." Patton said, Virgil quickly shook his head. Patton blinked, then slowly nodded. "I guess I will then."

Patton walked into the room, leaving Logan and Virgil alone in the empty hallway. The two didn't really talk, just sat there silently. Roman had grown up in an orphanage, so they were probably going to be the only visitors that showed up. They were Roman's only family.

After a few minutes, Patton walked out. Logan looked at Virgil, and tilted his head. Virgil shook his head in response. "I'm not ready to see him..."

Logan nodded, gave Virgil a stiff and quick shoulder pat before entering the room. Patton sat next to Virgil, eyes red and puffy.

"You should inform the internet..." Patton mumbled, pulling his knees up to his chest. Virgil nodded and slowly pulled out his phone, hands shaking as he opened the Twitter app.

 Virgil nodded and slowly pulled out his phone, hands shaking as he opened the Twitter app

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Virgil was crying by the end of typing that out. It was just all too much. It felt so long ago that Roman and him and kissed each other goodbye, yet it had only been a few hours. Patton gently put an arm around Virgil, not speaking, just, being there.

Logan emerged from the room, sitting on Virgil's other side. "You don't have to see him if you don't want to..." He murmured, worried.

Virgil shook his head and stood up, having to lean on the wall for support. "I have to... I'll feel worse if I don't." He slid through the door, staring at Roman.

The room was bare, and the light on the ceiling felt too bright. The other bed in the room was empty, something Virgil was grateful for. Then there was Roman, just sitting on the bed. If Virgil didn't know better he would've thought Roman was just asleep.

But he wasn't. And that hurt.

Virgil slowly sat beside Roman, his own hand hovering above his boyfriends. Was Roman even still that? Had Roman meant what he said? Was that his way of breaking up with Virgil? So many doubts crowded Virgil's head, and he started to wish he had agreed with Logan to not see Roman.

Then, something happened.

Roman's hand turned around, and entangled Virgil's fingers with it's own. Virgil looked a Roman's face, to find his eyes open a bit. "Roman?" Virgil asked, heart rate speeding up.

"Hey V..." Roma's voice sounded like it had been used too much and was about to just give up. A small smile crossed his face. "I didn't think you'd show up."

Virgil smiled a bit, tears filling his eyes. "I almost didn't. But I'm glad I did." He leaned down and pressed his forehead against Roman's, their breathing syncing perfectly.

"I'm sorry for what I said in the interview," Roman shifted, and winced in pain. "I didn't mean any of it, I just..."

"Panicked," Virgil finished his boyfriend's thought. "I get it, I really do." He sighed a bit, glancing at the door. Slowly he sat up again.

Roman tried to sit up but failed with a grunt. Virgil shook his head and said, "You shouldn't try to move. You broke a few bones, your rib being one of them. The crash was pretty bad."

"I know, I was in it." Roman said with a small laugh. Virgil rolled his eyes, playfully, and very carefully, swatting at Roman.

They two were silent for a bit, and then Roman spoke again. "I want to take back what I said, publicly. I want the entire world to know I'm madly in love with you."

Virgil looked at him, a slight blush stealing his face. "Now is not the time. You should wait until you're better."

Roman sighed and looked out the window by his bed. "I hate waiting..." He grumbled, arms crossing.

"I know, but sometimes you have to." Virgil shifted so he was facing the same direction as Roman.

The actor looked at his boyfriend, eyes shining with joy love, and tears. They were, very, very manly tears though. The manliest of the tears.

A/N:I was going to prolong the angst more, but you know, I'm weak TwT. I just have to tahnk you all again for the ranking! It means tons to me. Stay safe!

(pssst, don't bind for too long and stay hydrated.)

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