time did a zoom, virgil did a oops

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TW: Alcohol usage, kinda angst? Short

Roman always hated the phrase "Time flies." Like how the fuck was tie supposed to fly. Did clocks just sprout wings and fly away? That would be funny. Funny was a funny word. Hah, that was a funny thought. Haha he kept thinking funny. There it was again! He should try to catch the word! Then he wouldn't think it anymore. That would show funny.

In case you didn't notice. Roman was drunk. Pretty damn drunk at that.

Let's backtrack a bit, since Roman won't be much help, Virgil will be our view lenses.

Virgil and Roman had talking for months now. They had grown quite close and spent tons of time together. Roman and appeared on Virgil's channel tons, and Roman's first video on his own channel had Virgil in it. Needless to say, the two had gotten pretty close.

And both had caught feelings, hard.

The two had just finished filming a video, Trans Vs. Cis. Roman had proposed they go out and celebrate, and after Virgil agreed the actor had bought a pretty decent amount of alcohol of varying kinds and brought them back to Virgil's place.

Virgil, who was a light drinker, was pretty much sober. While Roman was far from it. The thing about Virgil was, even when he had a small amount of alcohol, it boosted his confidence. And any confidence boost was a huge deal.

And a huge mistake.

Roman was currently flopped backwards in the chair he was sitting in, while Virgil was perched on the table. Although Roman was drunk pretty much senseless, he still was incredibly hot. Maybe more so, just in a different way.

"Hey Roman?" Virgil took a deep breath. He had to do this, it's not like Roman would even remember it after.

"Yeah Virgey?" Roman propped himself up, staring at his friend with a sappy grin. Why was the oaf so goddamn cute?

Virgil shifted. "I have something to tell you..." He looked around, as though someone could be recording this. That was a possibility. It wasn't like Roman and Virgil were the most unstalkable(totally a word) people.

"What is it?" Roman's words slurred together a bit, and he moved closer to Virgil. Close enough Virgil could smell the beer on his breath.

Damn Virgil hated that smell, so much.

"Well," Virgil spoke as he shifted backwards, needing to escape the smell. "I'm..." He paused, then blurted out, "I'm in love with you."

Roman grinned, laughing. "Awwww, I wove you too Viwgey!" He reached up to hug Virgil, but fumbled at fell forwards, almost banging his head on the table.

Virgil sighed, getting off the table. Roman was drunk. There was no way someone as amazing and well, stable as Roman could love someone as bad and unstable as Virgil. The world just didn't work that way. And again, Roman was drunk, drunk people were dumb.

At least Roman wouldn't remember this.

"Let's get you to bed... You're staying here tonight." Virgil helped his friend(and crush), to his feet, leading him to the kinda small guest room. Once Roman was settled, Virgil headed to his room. It wasn't like he was going to get much sleep, it was just a place to escape reality.

The next morning Roman awoke with a splitting headache, and in really bad need of water. He normally avoided drinking, but yesterday had been an exception. Though there was a weird thing with Roman. An important thing.

Remember how Virgil kept thinking Roman wouldn't remember anything from last night? Yeah well, Roman remembered. And shit was about to go down.

Word count:587

Sorry it's short, but it was needed to get this plot rollin' some more.

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