XXXIII - What is essential is invisible to the eye (X)

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  The outburst seemed to have cheered up a bit young detective, who eventually tried to throw down some rice. It was a particular moment from which professor had not been able to fully recover, but not to think about it, he began to prepare pyramid-shaped rice dumplings, wrapped in bamboo leaves and then left them on a plate near the microwave, next to a bottle of wine. There was no sound, but it didn't seem to weigh on hearts, on the contrary, it was almost invigorating and allowed both young men to move forward. A few minutes later, Zhao was about to leave, but at same time he didn't feel like going home.

- I'm leaving... -

  Even Shen didn't seem to think it was a good idea. Zhao's state was not the best, it was really strange to see him so downcast and although professor thought he wouldn't do nonsense, because too weakened by all situation, he felt he had to give him a hand again.

- Look, stay here tonight, you're not in condition to go around... or to be alone. -

- You're kind, but I've bothered you enough already. -

- It's just common sense. -

  Zhao kept wondering why Shen was helping him, but he didn't mind at all. Although a bit dazed, he knew he did not want to give any more trouble, but it was also true that he did not know where to go, so he hinted a smile and accepted. It was the second time he would spent night with professor and although the first time had been involuntary and he didn't realize what was happening, this time he was lucid and embarrassment was high. Zhao opted for the couch, but Shen told him he needed a comfortable place to recover, so he entered bedroom almost intimidated and began to look around, while Shen was fiddling around in closet looking for something for him to wear to sleep. A minimal but refined style, as in the rest of house: neutral colors and pine furniture, to allow a relaxed sleep and to fill up with energy; a classic corner wardrobe, with mirror door; a large chest of drawers, with a mirror that gave light and a feeling of extra space to room; two bedside tables with two drawers, with an abat-jour with glass lampshade of beautiful shape, fixed on a structure of walnut wood and burnished metal that gave it a classic look; an padded bed with a headboard strongly characterized by capitonné pattern, with a mat on both sides and a large rectangular window over a radiator. Detective didn't know how to behave, he suddenly felt restless, as if that room reminded him of something and made him feel things he couldn't explain. His thoughts were interrupted by Shen's voice. Shen gave him a shirt and shorts.

- Listen, tomorrow's Dragon Boat Festival and Mrs Yao's taking kids. I didn't plan it, but since it's your day off, we can go with them if you want. -


Shen was preparing zongzi, rice dumplings with different fillings, steamed or boiled, typical of Dragon Boat Festival (along with realgar wine), wich are prepared the night before and exchange between friends and relatives. Zongzi and realgar wine (or Xionghuang wine, Chinese alcoholic drink consisting of yellow wine dosed with realgar powder, a yellow-orange arsenic sulfide mineral) are consumed at the edge of rivers, while watching the boat race.

Note: I don't know how this holiday works, but I notice the date changes every year, for example this year should be June 25 and in this FF we are at that time, so... I'm sorry if this is a mistake, but it helps me keep the story going!


  Zhao had already forgotten about that festival, one of his favorites by the way, for wine and colors, so hearing sudden invitation took him a little bit off guard. However, it may have been a good idea to keep him from thinking, and also, Shen remembered his day off and this could only let a smile slip.

Shooting Stars [ENG]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora