XXXI - What is essential is invisible to the eye (VIII)

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Miraculously, I found a positive day and could write something. I don't promise to continue soon, because the situation has not changed, but fear not, this story will come to an end! 😉

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  The ringing of the phone was interrupted by Wang Zhen who picked up the phone, only to hear what she had already learned from her colleagues. She could only put the phone down again and cast a sad glance at her boss. Zhao remained motionless, without saying a word. The truth was, he didn't know how to take that news... He was pissed with that man who made his life harder than it already was, but deep down, he was Zhao's father, that natural connection had to be somewhere. Hong looked at Zhao worried, holding hands ladder-like.


fingers intertwined and palms upwards = call for help, individuals in a situation of strife, ready to do anything to pull the head out of the water


- Do you want us to accompany you? -

- No, don't... don't worry. -

  Zhao's gaze turned to the last person he wanted to ask for help at that moment, after everything that had happened. But Shen had already forgiven Zhao's behavior long before, only he wouldn't have expected to see that look on him. Shen hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to do, but in the end his kind spirit prevailed and he quietly accepted. Chu tried to change the mood, even if only for a moment.

- We'll draft a report: we closed the White Clover for dealing. You can read the details calmly. -

  Zhao nodded, glanced at a suddenly pensive Shen, who nodded after a moment of hesitation and the two left. Once again, Hong felt ignored by the person she cared about most. But in that moment, a big hand leaned on her shoulder, as if to send those thoughts away and for the first time, the girl welcomed it. Shen agreed it was better to take a taxi. He occasionally glanced at detective. Zhao was staring out the window, looking at the cars driving down the street. A sense of nausea enveloped his stomach, as memories of the past came to the surface. Hands joined together on the lap to try to hold back the tremor. The words he spoke to his father that day continued to torment him all the way. When he stood in front of the big white building, his legs wouldn't cooperate to continue past the sliding door.

- I hate hospitals, they stink. -

  Zhao laugh, but Shen sensed his anxiety loud and clear. He knew words weren't going to help at the time, he could only make Zhao feel he was close to him. He laid a hand on Zhao's shoulder, Zhao leapt and looked at Shen with a lost look. Shen beckoned him to go on, young man swallowed, then took courage and moved on. At the reception he asked for his father's room and when they reached it, a salt-and-pepper doctor came out, wearing glasses.

- Doctor. I'm Zhao Xin Ci's son. How is my father? -

- Hi. Your father is stable. It was a fainting from fatigue. You don't have to worry, but I suggest he stays here for a few days under observation. -

  Zhao nodded. But something in those words and in man's gaze told him that maybe there was more. Why should his father remain under observation for a simple fainting? Was it a simple fainting? Zhao found himself tightening his fist.

- Doctor, if there's anything else, don't worry. -

  Seemed to have hit the mark, because doctor lowered his eyes for a moment and then carried his hands with the medical file behind his back and spoke in a serious tone.

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