II. The gentle professor

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  The white and blue building was unchanged, apart from a few minor renovations over the years; one could still perceived that family atmosphere the young professor remembered, observing the building from behind the entrance gate. An orphanage isn't a nice place for a child, but if there's a sincere affection, that life made of waits is much more bearable. Shen Wei hasn't been lucky enough to see a concrete conclusion of his wait, as had happened to other children like him and because of this, he used to visit the place that have seen him grow, from time to time. A nostalgic expression was painted on Shen Wei's face: he had all he wanted in that place except for one thing, which had made him spend long, difficult times. Fortunately, a person very dear to him had remained close to him, even if he didn't understand it at first.

- Shen Wei, you're here! -

  The young man's thoughts were interrupted by a girl who came to meet him and open the gate. He smiled at her.

- Good afternoon, Ying Yue. -

- I was afraid you wouldn't come back, it's been a month since the last time. -

  The black-haired girl looked almost sad. What a dear girl, caring and talkative, even if sometimes she seemed to lose the words with Shen Wei. She was working at the orphanage for two years, but she earned children's affection very quickly thanks to her kind and creative nature. To cheer the girl, Shen Wei raised an arm that held a plastic bag.

- Is a strawberry cake and a blueberry pie a good way to apologize? -

  Ying Yue immediately lit up and took the bag, pretending - without much success - to be completely unconcerned to the sweet gift.

- All right, you're forgiven. -

- Good. I've been very busy with the university lately, the exams are close, so I couldn't come. From next month I'll be more free. Where's Mrs. Yao? -

  Ying Yue nodded and led Shen Wei to the entrance of the building, chatting along the way. The surrounding garden was always a feast for the eyes, full of colorful flowers, playground for the children and a big tree with its big crest peeking out from behind the right corner that casted a shadow over on hot summer days. A familiar floral fragrance struck the young professor's nostrils when the door opened. As a child, he didn't even like that scent, but now he almost couldn't wait to smell it.

- Mrs. Yao, Shen Wei is here! -

- I'm in the reading room. -

  The voice was of an elegant lady in her fifties, with a long black dress, a cardigan over it and a big gray bun on her head. She was arranging some shelves full of books: there were all kinds, but for the most part were books for children. That room was orphanage's small library, where little bookworms could spend a few minutes - or hours - to browse those precious artifacts. As soon as Mrs. Yao saw the young professor, she smiled and motioned him to take a seat in the armchair in front of a small desk, behind which she sat herself. While Shen Wei took a seat, Ying Yue showed Mrs. Yao the bag.

- Shen Wei brought something. I believe there's enough for everyone. -

- How nice of you. Children will be thrilled. Thank you. -

- Don't mention it. -

  Shen Wei glanced at the multitude of books and smiled. How many hours he had spent in there. Mrs. Yao and Ying Yue smiled looking at him. The girl gave a friendly elbow to professor's shoulder.

- Bookworm. -

- Guilty. This room is always the same. -

- I bet on it: Mrs. Yao is very keen, if there's a single book out of place you better run. -

  The women laughed. Mrs. Yao was a huge books' lover and it was thanks to her Shen Wei expanded his mind and eventually decided to become a teacher. Mrs Yao really was a reference point for him. Suddenly, they heard a thump, as if something fell - or rather, has been thrown - and Ying Yue rolled his eyes.

- This is Tao Yi, I'm sure. Give me a sec. -

  The girl left the room and Shen Wei and Mrs. Yao heard her shouting at the child who replied to her. Mrs. Yao chuckled. She had a crystalline voice that had always relaxed Shen Wei.

- Tao Yi is a very particular kid, you have to be very patient with him. But Ying Yue can deal with him pretty well: I think the little scam has a crush on her. He reminds me of your friend Ma Ning. -

  Hearing that name, young professor's smile became a bit melancholic and he looked down for a moment. Mrs. Yao noticed him and she immediately put a hand in front of her mouth, showing a sore expression.

- Forgive me, I didn't mean to... What a silly lady I am! -

- It's fine. I remember Ma Ning: he pretended to ignore your words, but he always did as you told him, at the end. -

  Mrs. Yao chuckled again and Shen Wei smiled. Of course, she didn't want to recall his past on purpose: it was totally normal for a teacher to remember all the children she had the pleasure to look after and Shen Wei had always estimated this unchanged dedication of her. It was just, the past was still a bit painful for him, despite he decided to leave everything behind for a long time. As if Mrs. Yao had read in his mind, she smiled sweetly. She didn't want to recall the past, but she always had a fixed thought about her grown boy and she had to say it.

- I remember when you came to me ten years ago. "Am I adult enough now?" You were so changed by the kid I used to know. -

- But I improved since then. -

  Young professor tried to play down with a smile. That moment was still clear in Shen Wei's mind and he knew Mrs. Yao could understand him very well, so he didn't get angry or twisted his nose if it was Mrs. Yao who recalled the past. The woman reached out across the desk to Shen Wei, who squeezed her hand gently.

- I think about it everyday. I'm so sorry. -

- Don't be, you couldn't foresee it. It could happen to anyone. -

- I'm so happy to see you so often and see you're still like that little boy, just grown up. -

  Shen Wei didn't answer, but smiled. He didn't want Mrs. Yao feel bad to know he didn't consider himself like that kid anymore. They spent the next hour talking about happier things and Shen Wei also met a new teacher who was helping Ying Yue and of course, he met the children, adorable scamps. Among them there was a little girl who became attached to Shen Wei immediately. At a certain point, he also helped the little girl to settle her pigtails with rather skilled hands, making Mrs. Yao skip a smile. At the time of greetings, children asked Shen Wei to bring cakes again, while Ying Yue gave him a hug, advising him to come back as soon as possible. In the end, there were only Shen Wei and Mrs. Yao left. She gave him an affectionate pat on the shoulder and smiled sweetly.

- Don't close your heart, Little Wei. She wouldn't want it. -

  Shen Wei swallowed. That woman always seemed to know a thing or two. Her gaze reflected her soul, good and sincere. Even though Mrs. Yao may have said things Shen Wei didn't want to hear, he knew she was right. He had to move on, it was just a little difficult at the moment. Shen Wei put on his best expression.

- Thank you, Mrs. Yao. Take care of yourself. -

  Shen Wei waited for Mrs. Yao to go inside again and then, he let out a sigh. Memories warm you up from the inside, but they also tear you apart. Shen Wei clenched his fist. He had promised himself to move on and he would do it at all costs, even if he had to close his heart. A light breeze caressed his face, taking away the thoughts that enveloped him, at least for the moment. His cellphone rang.

- Yes, Li Qian. -

- I'm sorry to bother you, professor, but we have a situation here. Can you come back to the university? -

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