VI - Questions & Answers (IV)

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- Great! Anything else?? -

  Zhao didn't even try to hide his disappointment. Unbelievable! Things and people disappearing every second. Seriously?! Shen scratched his forehead. Why the hell did that kiddo run away? He wasn't helping his situation.

- I told you. -

  Li Qian turned to Hong, with an expression that left little doubt as to what she was thinking.

- It doesn't mean a thing! Tan Xiao knows he can't escape Professor Shen, so if he knew something he'd tell him. He's not a fool. -

- I thought he stole a car. -

  Neither Hong's look left doubts about what she was thinking of that girl who seemed to revere her professor and seemed to have mixed feelings towards her classmate. Shen found Li Qian's statements rather embarrassing, considering the fact of being in presence of people who "find criminals" by trade. But when Li Qian starts, nobody can stop her, so he didn't even try to correct that statement. He just put his hands in pockets and sighed. Chu, on the contrary, can't stand bickering of any kind and he didn't even waste time making it clear, especially when he was already forced to do something he wasn't intended to do: working over time, for example. Chu glared at two women, preventing the younger one from respond.

- Are you done? We have already lost too much time. Changcheng and I will find Tan Xiao, you take care of that other one. -

  Zhao looked at him. Did he just give orders with nonchalance? It wasn't a news, but Chu's attitude got on Zhao's nerves and the fact that he was right, it was even more annoying. Well, following other teammates "advices", it was also something boss should do, right? Zhao wanted to believe it.

- I don't appreciate the attitude, but I agree. Da Qing, go find that girl and ask her where Kevin could be. -

- I'm going with them, since they don't know the campus and I know where Tan Xiao usually goes. -

  Zhao looked at Li Qian and nodded.

- Good idea. Chu: easy, ok? -

- I always go easy. -

  As the four left, Shen hid a little smile. Apparently, Chief Zhao and Chu seemed in constant contrast, but at the same time they also seemed to have fun dealing with each other, like two old friends, though they probably would never admit it. Despite everything, it seemed the two respected each other. It was a good thing. A hand waved in front of his face and made him return back to reality. With Chief Zhao and Hong, he walked along hallway. Hong kept looking around, as if to see even beyond the walls in order to find their goal. "Or his victim," would have said Lin Jing. - Zhao was more interested in the professor and he turned to him with a mischievous expression.

- Can't escape Professor Shen, huh? -

- It's their idea. I'm a common teacher, I just wanna know my students, that's all. -

- Well, not everyone is able to recognize and manage the... What's it again, nonverbals?! -

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