XVII - A prince without a crown (I)

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Here we go! I hope private life will give me a break. Thanks for waiting! 💚

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  The atmosphere in professor's bathroom was slightly retro: the classic white tiles, a bathroom sink cabinet, a large mirror, an oval tub with a shower curtain, to ensure maximum privacy and a porthole-like window, all contained in a not very big rectangular room. Everything properly cleaned, of course, even the various hygiene products were placed to the centimeter. A smile escaped from Zhao's mouth. Although small, that house was almost aristocratic. Returning from the orphanage, young detective had managed to hitch the dinner from professor, once again: it wasn't very noble, since he still had to repay professor for the first dinner out, but Zhao couldn't help tormenting the quiet professor. Zhao almost began to consider Shen his finest pastime. Once he dried his hands in the soft and perfumed towel, he headed for the kitchen that already smelled good and the table was ready. Just looking at it Zhao was doubly hungry: how could he give up on something like that?! He took his seat, sniffing deeply at that heavenly odor.

- Your house stands out among the others in the neighborhood, it has an almost antique flavor, one wouldn't say a young professor lives here. It looks like you, though. Men like you are hardly seen around. -

- Actually, the owner is Ms. Yao. I was looking for an apartment near the university, but since she moved to the orphanage and was a bit reluctant to sell the house, I accepted: I like the furniture. However, I take it for a compliment. -

- It is. -

  What a pimp, Shen thought, as he finished preparing the last bowls. He refrained from responding, but not without hiding a grin, as he turned his back to Zhao to take the last dish to add to those already on the table. Shen took his place, under Zhao's amused gaze, who began to use it without having to be told twice. They chatted about this and that, like two old friends; they remembered above all the moments of that afternoon, spent in the midst of the childish noise, which had made them smile. Zhao kept saying that Little Jiu Yue had great sympathy for professor, that she considered him as a big brother, which Shen continued to deny. According to Shen they were all coincidences, it was as if he didn't want to be complimented, as if he didn't find himself in the adjectives like "model child", "the best big brother" and other things related to family relationships. The more Zhao looked at him, the more it seemed to him that professor was hiding something, but he couldn't understand what it could be, because from the outside Shen was just perfect, a man full of resources, adored by everyone and well-balanced. No one was always quiet. Something had to boil inside young professor, even though he was really good at controlling it. Shen, on the other hand, was thinking that Zhao had found his own element in the orphanage: Zhao had seemed to Shen one of the many children, he had not given the slightest air of being a more or less responsible adult, with a hard and important job for the safeguarding people. Observing him all afternoon, professor had the feeling that detective had been deprived of that part of life, or at least, that he had not lived it to the full. Shen had also been a child grown too fast, but unlike Zhao, with his character Shen had not felt too much the need to have a childhood full of games, crazy fun and exaggerated light-heartedness, the little he had was enough for him. But with the tempestuousness Zhao had, probably it wasn't easy for him, whatever happened. Coming back from his thoughts, Shen found Zhao with his gaze fixed on one specific bowl.

- Something wrong? -

- The braised pork belly... -- There was a little left. I thought you liked it; it's not good? -

  Weak smile.

- It's perfect... I often asked for it as a child, it was my favorite dish. -

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