XVIII - A prince without a crown (II)

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- How's my nephew doing? -

- Putting my patience to the test, as usual. -

  A loud and deep laugh filled the semi-darkness of the tavern. Luckily Mr. Li had stayed a little longer to clean up the place, since his favorite client had come in after-hours with his usual bold air, taking his place in his seat. The young man seemed more relaxed than usual to him.

- It's part of his character. Each of us has a less pleasant side, you should know it better. -

  Zhao chuckled. He was well aware of being referred to as impulsive, rough, selfish and that he was angry with world, and it wasn't a secret he didn't give a damn about all of it. But for Uncle Li, Zhao was a good boy, strengths and weaknesses included.

- Haha. But unfortunately, I have to admit he was good at that time at university: it wasn't an important case, indeed, it wasn't even a case, but he contributed a lot and without even too much effort. -

  A gentle smile painted on the old man's face as he took another jug ​​to dry with a checkered.

- Da Qing has always been a hothead, because he always knew what he wanted and he just wants to prove he can do better than he appears. Don't think he doesn't know how others see him, he just pretends nothing. -

  A sudden itching at the nape of the neck hit young detective, who scratched it, narrowing his eye, as if he had just heard something annoying that made him feel hives.

- Yeah, I guess I can understand that... We two start to have too many things in common, I need a shot to recover myself. -

  Mr. Li chuckled, but even if he didn't agree, he started to prepare it.

- You look relaxed, why should you drink? -

- True. Since I know Professor Shen, I feel dangerously teetotal. One shot only, so as not to lose bad habits. -

  Old man shook his head. That kid, always quick with a sassy comeback, his biggest defense weapon. He wondered if that professor would've been able to alleviate young chief officer's need to making fun of everything.

- That professor looks like a good person, I almost felt sorry for him paying last time. -

- Damn, I still have to return the favor... He's so weird. I know he doesn't like me, he made it very clear, but he listens to me and strangely, he makes me forget everything else for a moment. Guess it's the psychologist's effect. -

- He's still a person like any other. Don't always see the negative side, trust your instincts, you're known for that. -

  Zhao looked at Mr. Li and smiled. He was right, despite the fact Professor Shen didn't want to have anything to do with him, Zhao had to admit he had never been better in someone's company, someone so different from him. Perhaps young detective should listen to that old man who had always been a reference point for him, always able to find the right words to say at the right time, to cheer him up even in the most depressing moments. Maybe he had to trust his own guts, which was telling him to keep on being friendly with that young professor. Zhao glanced at small glass on the counter and shook his head, leaving it there.

- Bed time. -

- Good boy. Goodnight. -

- 'Night, Uncle Li. -

  Although it wasn't really so... Once Zhao returned home, he collapsed on the bed like nothing and was blissfully sleeping when, in the middle of the night, the sound of phone ringing on bedside table almost gave him a heart attack. At the deplorable hour of five o'clock in the morning, two hours before his usual alarm!

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