XXXII - What is essential is invisible to the eye (IX)

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    As soon as he left the room, Zhao puffed to throw out all the tension accumulated in those few minutes. Unbelievable how hard a conversation can be. He did it. He decided to take over the case his father had wanted to give him for months and that he had always refused. Zhao wasn't sure he made the right choice, which would involve dealing with other agents other than his own team, first and foremost his father's protégé. Zhao couldn't imagine following a case with that boy, he didn't like the prospect at all. Shen reached him.

- Everything all right? -

- I think I just fucked up. -

- Was it the right thing to do? -

- I suppose so... Problems? -

  Zhao pointed to the cell phone Shen was still holding.

- Nothing important. -

  A moment of silence fell. Zhao kept looking out of corner of his eye at door that had just closed behind him, while drumming fingers of one hand on leg. Even though he tried not to show it, he was anxious and nervous. He sighed and cleared his voice, sketching a smile at Shen.

- I have to bring him a spare, I have to go home. -

  The thing didn't seem to excite him much, on the contrary, it almost seemed to sadden him given the sad tone. It couldn't have been nice to get into an empty house. It was a difficult time for Zhao and Shen could understand: if he had found himself in Zhao's place, he would have tried to pretend nothing and go on as he had always done, but Zhao was different, he gave feeling of being much more sensitive, though he very well disguised such weakness with boldness. But in that moment of discomfort and dilemma, Shen could see that clearly.

- I'll drive you and then we'll have dinner at my place. -

  Zhao looked at him. There was all the wonder in his eyes and Shen himself was surprised to have said it, but strangely he didn't regret it. He kept his eyes steady, as if he wouldn't take a "no" for an answer. If Shen didn't say it, he predicted Zhao would go and drown his sorrows in a glass of golden liquid and it wasn't right, it would also be his fault, because it would mean he let him go. Zhao couldn't say anything, but smiled slightly and nodded. He didn't know why Shen was doing it, didn't even know why he asked for his help, but deep down, he was pleased. The man was making his life a little difficult, but at the same time his presence gave Zhao a strange courage and confidence. A confidence Zhao seemed to lose again, a few minutes later, when he was in front of his father's bedroom's door, on upper floor of villa. He hasn't been in there since he was a kid. Heartbeat suddenly increased, while a hand landed on the handle. It was as if he remembered it and its vision brought to mind happier moments, which brought out a melancholy smile on his lips. How could his father sleep in there? It took courage, a courage that, apparently, Zhao didn't have; he was already lucky to get through that white door. His father was such a strong person, Zhao would never have been able to match him... Look fell on the nightstand on man's bed side and Zhao swallowed: a beautiful woman was depicted in a photo with a silver frame. He could never forget that kind face and smile that never left that face. The same smile young detective showed every day, no matter what. Next to photo there was another one, one Zhao had almost removed from his mind and his heart jump: a man in his thirties, holding on his knees a child looking very much like him. Zhao never expected to see a picture of him and his father on man's nightstand. Zhao took it in his hands and looked at it, as if he didn't want to forget it, or as if he didn't want to forget that moment from too long ago. He couldn't help but think of who knows if he would ever see such a scene again... Zhao shook his thoughts from the mind, placed photo in its place again and began to prepare a bag for father. Once he got downstairs, he found Shen waiting for him in the lobby.

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