III. Questions & Answers (I)

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  The white and brick red building with transparent access door was that of a common police station, but given the proximity to the central park, there was also a bit of green. Shen opened the door to Li Qian and then followed her. There was a great going back and forth of people: ordinary people, there for their personal affairs; policemen who were escorting criminals, policemen who were answering questions and other people still waiting. Shen approached the first policeman who appeared in his view.

- Excuse me. Good afternoon. We got a call for an university student involved in a theft occured this morning. Can you tell us who's in charge of it? -

  Policeman looked at them, seemed to think about something and then, he chuckled.

- The Tail... Down down the station: turn left and knock on the first door. Good luck! -

  He left. Shen and Li Qian looked at each other. Tails? What did he mean? Why did he laugh? Anyway, they followed the indications. They passed through the long hallway: there were many doors to each side and each one showed people who were busy doing something. Once they reached the end, they turned left and passed through an automatic door. It was like a completely different place, the voices of the other side almost disappeared, as if it were a soundproof area. In addition, it was a much narrower and shorter space, which indeed had only three doors, one on their left and one on each side at the bottom. The door on their left had a plate, with the inscription: Zhao Y. Li Qian smiled.

- Zhao?! -

- You know him? -

- He's the police chief. Every case is a success with him. He's currently dealing with Minister Sun's murder. -

- I see. Such a tragedy. -

- It seems we're in good hands. -

  Professor knocked on the door and there was an immediate sound of something falling on the ground, then steps, someone who seemed to be trying to fix the damage and other steps, until a boy showed up.

- Ah, you're not that idiot. Well, why should he knock, it's his office... You are...? -

  The young man's abrupt approach made Li Qian's nose curl. She looked him over from head to toe. She was always very suspicious of people and especially when they presented themselves inappropriately. On the contrary, Shen showed a courtesy smile.

- I'm Professor Shen. You stopped an university student, he seems to have been caught in crime just one hour ago. -

  The boy glanced at him, as if he didn't fully understand his words. A moment later, he burst out laughing.

- Yeah, such a fluke for someone like Boss! Moron. -

  Shen and Li Qian looked at each other. It was not exactly an appropriate behavior for a subordinate. Li Qian found it hard to believe that boy in overalls, sneakers and with untidy hair could be a policeman; at most, he could be a trainee who had not even finished school. Shen saw her ready to attack, but before that happened the boy spoke again.

- They are in the interrogatory room. -

  He moved his body out of the door and stretched out his arm, pointing toward the two doors at the back.

- The one on the right. I like that boy: Boss was about to go crazy. You better smile when you enter, otherwise you'll be haunted. -

  The explanation didn't seem to promise anything good. Li Qian threw another glare at the boy, who returned it without thinking twice and then he disappeared back into the room.

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