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NOTE: First attempt for a long long-fic. I hope I'll not make a mess and I hope it'll keep your interest til the end. I don't know how many chapters it will have and I don't know how frequently I'll update it - yeah, my real life sucks - but I hope I'll post one chapter per month, at least. Since this story is an AU, it can also be easily read by those who have never seen Guardian series. Fingers crossed!

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  The orphanage's courtyard was already surrounded by darkness at that late hour of the evening. Two small figures had slipped out of their bedroom window, making no noise. The older brother, holding hands with his sweet, little sister, wanted her to live a little adventure.

- Gègè, it's cold - the little girl complained and gripped in her jacket.

- Wear my jacket. -

  Big brother carefully placed his jacket on her shoulders. He had never suffered the cold.

- I'm sleepy - she complained again, - why are we here? -

  The boy smiled and pointed to the sky.

- The stars are falling tonight. -

  The little one pressed close to him.

- I'm scared! -

- Don't be: they are very far away, they can't get here. But if you see one of them fall, make a wish. -

- Why? -

  Big brother made little girl sit on one of the benches in the courtyard and took a seat next to her.

- When a star falls, you have to make a wish from the bottom of your heart and it will certainly come true. -

- Really?? -

- Sure - the boy exclaimed, placing a finger on the lips, - but don't you say it out loud: it's a secret between you and the star. -

- Ok!! -

  With nose up, the little girl tried, hopefully, to see a luminous trail illuminating the dark sky. Big brother sat near her, hugging his knees and looking at the black cloak. But he didn't seem to look for shooting stars, rather, it was more like he were looking for something else. However, in his heart he knew he would not find what he was looking for... At one point, the little girl jumped up, pointing to the sky.

- There, there!! Look! -

- Hurry, make a wish. -

  The boy smiled as he saw his little sister joining hands, like in a prayer. She stayed in silence for a moment. Who knows what was going on in her innocent little mind. Big brother seemed more interested in that scene, than in making wishes. When little sister finished, she glanced at him and moved her head to one side.

- Gègè, don't you make a wish? -

  The boy smiled.

- I already did. -

  He wanted nothing but happiness for his little princess. But it wouldn't be a star to fulfill that small but important wish, because the boy didn't believe in it. He would be the one who would make his little sister happy: she was the only family he had left and he would never allow anyone to separate them.


- We'll take them soon. Then, we could return to normal. -

  His father's voice echoed in the living room. The little boy often heard those words, but it never happened. There were always other things more important and maintaining the safety of the city - the safety of others - it always came before anything else. Anything. Eight years old boy could only watch from afar mother's hopes slowly fading over time. Her face seemed increasingly pale and the dark circles under her eyes had become increasingly showy. He watched her sit in front of the sliding door that looked out onto the garden. She rubbed her temples, trying to keep control of her emotions. Every time little boy approached her and she would smile at him as if nothing ever happened; she would make him sit on her knees and begin to hum. The boy would hold her close until the song was over, because it was the only thing he could do. When night would fall, the woman would look at those glowing dots in the dark and tell fantastic stories to her son.

- The sky is the quietest place in the world. It'd be nice to live there. -

  The child moved his head to one side and looked at his mother.

- Can we become stars? -

  His mother smiled.

- Sure. Sooner or later, everyone will go up there and we will have a lot of fun. -

  She tickled the little one, who laughed happily.

- Really?? -

  Mom nodded and the child jumped down, showing a huge smile.

- Then, I hope we'll become stars soon, so my mommy will be happy again - the boy exclaimed with determination.

  The woman smiled and kissed his baby's head, hoping for that moment to come as late as possible for him. The problem of life is that it could end at any time and the worst thing you can do is to worry about someone who doesn't worry about you. But as it often happened, this is something you only understand when it's too late. That little boy couldn't understand what was going on around him, but his mom was sad and the only thing he wanted was to see her happy again and if becoming a star meant this, then he hoped it'd happen as soon as possible.

- Never let the smile leave your face, my love. -

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