Chapter Thirty Five

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"Frankie, we need to go out for some supplies." Gemma said, as she walked into Jax's apartment. 

"Will the guys even let us leave?" I asked, causing her to smirk.

"They know they can't stop me, so they'll send the prospect to follow us. Besides, they know we can take care of ourselves." Gemma answered, making me nod.

      I slowly stood up from the bed and walked over to my bag of clothes. Jax had been wanting me to put some of my clothes in the drawers in the room, but I've been too lazy. While getting dressed though, everything that I didn't wear, I put in the drawers where they needed to be, and hung some of my stuff up. After getting dressed, I fixed my hair and stuck my blade in my pants.

      After I was ready, I picked Abel up and placed him in his carseat

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      After I was ready, I picked Abel up and placed him in his carseat. I knew he was coming with me, since there was no way I was just going to leave him with the guys without either Gemma or I around to make sure nothing happened. I mean, it's not that I don't trust them, I just know how a large group of guys are when they're all together.

"Ready to go?" Gemma asked, causing me to nod.

       I carried Abel out of the apartment, and into the main area of the clubhouse. Once Jax seen me, he made his way over and wrapped his arm around my waist. He kissed me lightly, before letting go of me.

"Have fun with Gem. Don't get into trouble." Jax said, causing me to nod.

"You know it." I replied, smirking lightly.

"I love you." He murmured, and I grinned.

"I love you." I said, before walking away from him.

     Gemma, Abel, and I piled into her car, before she drove out of the garage. Half Sack followed behind us, making sure we were safe at all times. I mean, I could easily kick someone's ass, but having someone to back me up made me feel good.

"So, you and Jax. You've said the magic words." Gemma commented, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Yes? So?" I questioned, making her smirk.

"Now that you've said the magic words, you'll be part of the family in no time. Not like you weren't already, but he'll want more kids soon. He'll want a perfect family with you. Are you ready for that?" She asked, and I bit my lip.

"I believe I am. I mean, I've never seen myself having a semi-normal life, but now, with Jax, I felt normal and happy. I guess if we were to have a family of our own, with Abel, I think I could deal with it." I replied, as she looked over at me.

"What about your brothers?" She asked, making me glare at the road in front of us.

"I don't really care what they're ready for. I wanted to try and have a normal life, or at least a bit normal, but they couldn't handle that. They couldn't handle the idea of their sister being out of their lives in any way. After our fight the other day, they still haven't tried to contact me. I guess they really are mad at me, but I'm not ditching my life here just to go back to a life of sleeping in sleazy hotels, weapons under our pillows, sweaty car rides, and diner food." I stated, making Gemma nod.

"That's up to you, sweetheart. I know I'm not one to give advice, but I know when a girl needs to hear encouragement from another girl. So, I'm telling you right now that you are doing the right thing. You should finally be happy, even if it isn't stuck up their ass all day every day, and if they can't handle that then that's just tough. You're grown and you don't have to take orders from them." She said, and I smiled.

"Thank you, Gem. That's definitely eased some of my inner tension on the subject." I replied, and she smiled lightly in reply.

       Slowly, we made our way into the grocery store, deciding to pick up some of the things we'd need for the clubhouse. With a clubhouse full of people, it didnt take a genius to know that we needed a lot of food. Each grown man could eat at least ten pounds of food by themselves, even Half Sack, and he's a scrawny little shit.

"How much longer will lockdown be?" I asked, causing Gemma to shrug.

"There's no telling. It all depends on how long it takes the guys to settle their disputes with the Irish." Gemma answered, making me sigh.

"Speaking of, how's Chibs?" I asked, and she smirked.

"Healthy as a horse, except he's faking illness to make sure he can stay in St. Thomas." Gemma said, causing me to nod.

        Walking down the next isle, I could see Half Sack standing outside of the store trying to hit on any of the ladies that walked in or out of the store. Rolling my eyes with a chuckle, I looked back over at Gemma.

"How's he managing that?" I asked, and Gemma chuckled.

"We've got a doctor on the payroll for now, at least, until Chibs gets out of there. Fiona, Chibs' wife, has come to see him." Gemma said, and my eyes widened.

"I didn't know Chibs was married." I commented, and she laughed.

"He's only married because they haven't gotten divorced. She lives in Belfast with their daughter Kerianne, while he lives here in Charming. He can never go back, but he's fine with that, as long as his daughter and her mother are safe and alive." Gemma stated, grabbing a few bags of chips.

      I would've asked more questions, but I felt that it really wasn't my place. Honestly, I felt like I was invading his privacy when I asked Gemma questions about him.

"I have to say, there's only been three people I've ever been afraid of, and Fiona is one of them." Gemma commented, making my breath ragged for a moment.

       There was no way Gemma could be scared of Chibs' wife. Even if she was, I wanted to know why, but on the other hand, I did not want to know. Instead of asking, I sat and wondered what I could do to make people fear me as well. I mean, I was already feared and thought of as crazy when people heard about what my brothers and I did for a living, but now I wondered how to make people think I was unapproachable without the work...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. What do you guys think?! Also, I'm probably going to dress her mostly Supernatural related, since she was with her brothers most of her life and not in Charming. Gemma will change her fashion a bit every so often, but other than that, she'll stay her normal self.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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