Chapter Twenty One

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      After crying for a short while, Jax brought me into the kitchen for dinner. I was surprised when I seen he had picked up food from the diner. I felt my heart waver a bit, when I seen he had gotten me everything I loved. He had gotten me a burger, a side salad, and a piece of pie. I couldn't help but smile when I seen all of the food on the table. I almost laughed, seeing as he had almost the same food as me, except he had fries instead of a salad.

"I brought you your favorites." Jax commented, as we sat down at the table.

"Thank you, Jax." I replied, as I took a sip of the soda he had bought me.

"What happened in there, Frankie? I normally wouldn't ask over dinner, but you were so torn up. Is it too hard on you with Abel? If it is, you know Gemma can help." Jax asked, causing me to shake my head.

"Abel's not the issue. Hell, you and Abel seem to be the only thing going right for me right now. I'm sorry you had to see me like that, I haven't cried in years. It's just--I finally listened to all the voicemails I had gotten from Dean, and even one from Sam. If you had heard their voices, heard how much hurt, pain, loss, and heartbreak they had laced in their voices--I just--it hurt so bad hearing it and not being able to talk to them." I stated, causing Jax to bite his lip.

"Why can't you talk to them? I understand you wanted to get away, but if you miss them so much you're crying, maybe you should talk to them." Jax replied, making me bite my lip.

"I don't know, Jax. I don't want them coming here and possibly ruining the only stability I have right now. Back when I was with them, I slept in so many hotel rooms, I've lost count. I didn't sleep for days, scared something would come after us in our sleep. I drank beer or anything I could get my hands on since I was fifteen, though that started off as Dean's fault, he was the one who had me try it in the first place. I haven't been bruised and battered in so long. The only thing I've kept up with is my training, both physical and with keeping up with my lore." I said, Jax nodding as he listened to my words.

"I know you're worried, but you have to remember that your brothers are in a pretty close boat to you. They're still in the life you've tried to leave behind, though deep down you know you're stuck with it. Talking to them seems rough and crazy, I know, but you don't want to regret not talking to them later on in life." Jax stated, causing me to sigh.

"You're right, you always seem to have the right words to make me understand and really think." I answered, making a small smile appear on Jax's face.

"How about you sleep on it tonight and tomorrow you call them." Jax commented, as I began to eat my food.

      Jax was right, I knew I should call them before it's too late, and I end up regreting not talking to them when I could. I knew how dangerous our lives were and how dangerous our jobs were. I just didn't want it to end up so bad that I couldn't get out. I knew I wasn't fully out, I never could be, but right now, I felt like I had an almost normal family unit. I know it may sound like I'm replacing my brothers but I'm not, I'm just trying to better myself.

     After dinner, I picked up all of the garbage and threw it away. I cleaned everything in the kitchen that was dirty and then I decided to go and get a shower. I was rather exhausted from earlier events, mostly all the crying, not really the thinking or stress from it all. I just knew I needed to do what was best for myself, for Abel, for Jax, and for my brothers.

      I couldn't keep from seeing them sooner or later, since it could end deadly before I'd even be able to see or talk to them again. Once I was done with my shower, I slipped into pajamas and then headed into Jax's room. I laid down on the bed beside Jax and he pulled me into his chest. He held me close, making me feel like all my worries had went away for the night. I knew they hadn't though, and they never really would. I wouldn't be surprised if I died from a heart attack one day because of all the stress and worry I keep bottled up that hurts deep inside of my soul. I know I'm going to grow cold the older I grow, but I can't seem to shake it, not yet at least. I just needed time to think before I contacted my brothers.

      I wanted to talk to them so bad, but I didn't want to speak to Dad at all. I knew he'd say something that would piss me off and I'd never talk to them again. I remember them telling me that Dad was missing, but that doesn't mean it just wasn't some ploy to get me to talk to them. I felt like that would happen, though I knew Sam wouldn't do that to me. Besides, they seemed genuinely upset with him not coming back.

"You should actually get sleep, Frankie." Jax muttered, causing me to sigh.

"I know and I'm going to get sleep. It's just going to take me a little longer to actually fall asleep tonight, I guess." I replied, making him chuckle.

"Well, I will stay up with you if you need me." Jax said, though I shook my head.

"No, get some rest. I'll fall asleep eventually." I commented, before we turned out all the lights in the room.

      Maybe I needed to wait a while before calling them. I needed to get my head straight first...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, I'd like to say that she will not be talking to her brothers in the next chapter. She will in a different chapter though, so don't worry about that.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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