Chapter Sixty Six *3rd POV*

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      Dean was livid still, even days after speaking to his little sister. He knew she was just trying to talk some sense into him, but Dean couldn't handle it. Dean knew in a few months he would be gone, and he didn't want to leave Frankie before she and Gemma could get on a mutual level of respect. Dean hated all of the disrespectful things Gemma said to his little sister. He hated the threats she sent towards her as well, especially since there were quite a few about Frankie's son.

     Yes, Dean had been pissed about finding out Frankie was pregnant and already had a son, but he didn't hate her. Matter of fact, he had learned to love the boys, even if they came into the family because of Frankie's blatant hate of her father. She really loved her father, but she couldn't get behind his behaviours as well as Dean had seemed to.

       While Frankie was at the doctor with Abel, Thomas, and Sam, Dean decided he was going to pay a visit to Gemma. For the last couple of days, he practically scoped out the area of where Gemma lived and made sure that nobody would really see or recognize him. He knew one of the club members would be outside of the house at all times, but to his luck it wasn't anyone he couldn't get past easily. The dude, Filthy Phil, was actually quite the pushover when it came to members and their families. Even if Dean was only Frankie's brother and had no real relation to Jax, Phil still treated him like he would any other family member of the club.

     Anyhow, about fifteen minutes after Frankie had left, Dean climbed into Baby and started her up. Listening to the hum of the engine, he gripped the steering wheel and let out a sigh. He had to do this. He had to protect his family, even if that meant pissing his family off. Running his hand down his face, he kissed his teeth and nodded to himself, before putting his car in reverse and backing out of the driveway.

      He drove down to Gemma's place, which wasn't very far from Frankie's, but far enough where he was able to listen to one his songs to clear his mind of everything and think about what he was going to say. Highway to Hell was playing through the speakers, as he pulled into the road Gemma had lived on. The song was ironic, he knew it was, since he knew where he was headed in a few short months, but he didn't dare turn off the song. He wouldn't admit it, but ever since Frankie had left him and John, he had began to listen to ACDC a lot more than he had before since they were Frankie's favorite band. Highway to Hell was one of the few songs he knew by heart, mostly because it was one of the songs Frankie made him play over and over on long car rides when they were younger.

       Pulling into Gemma's driveway, he let out another sigh, before shutting off his car. He stepped out of the car and closed the door, listening to it creak as it swung closed. Walking up to the door, Phil nodded at him, before he allowed Dean to knock on the door and walk inside. Dean knew by now that if Phil was outside, that meant Gemma was at the house, otherwise Phil wouldn't be outside, he'd be following her around like a prospect was made to do.

       Hearing the door open, Gemma looked over from the kitchen table and seen Dean. Her eyebrows furrowed, wondering why Frankie's brother had showed up at her house unannounced. Seeing the look on his face, she pursed her lips and decided to seem like the bitch she always was, though the look on his face and the emotion in his eyes caused a fearful shiver to run down her spine and settle in the pit of her stomach.

"What are you doing here? Something up with Frankie and the boys?" Gemma asked, but Dean shook his head.

"No, I'm not here about them. I'm here about you." Dean said, as Gemma's eyebrows furrowed.

"What--" She began, before Dean cut her off.

"You need to stop threatening my sister. I get it you're top dog, you know what's best, but you don't get to threaten Frankie with her boys. Don't compare her to Tara. Don't threaten to take away her boys. Don't you ever tell her she's a bad mother or a bad girlfriend. She's the best thing to ever happen to your family." Dean stated, as Gemma looked at him with a blank look on her face.

      Gemma quickly stood to her feet, marching up to Dean and getting in his face.

"Don't you threaten me. You don't know what you're messing with here, Dean Winchester--" She began, before he cut her off once more.

"No! Don't you threaten me or my family! You're not going to walk in that house again threaten her again! You're going to keep your mouth shut! If I hear that you've threatened her ever again, I will be back here! I've dealt with demons, ghosts, and monsters, but you lady, you piss me off the most!" Dean exclaimed, as Gemma cowered away.

"I-I--" She stuttered, but she didn't know what to say.

"Good, stay quiet, maybe you'll learn how to keep your mouth shut,"He commented, as he turned away from Gemma, but before he left, he turned back around to face her,"Oh, don't tell anyone about our little meeting either. If I hear that you told anyone, I won't be happy. Your club won't be able to handle what I've seen, what I'll do, or what I've been through." He added, before he walked out of the door and slammed it behind him.

      Dean knew if he was home after Frankie, he'd have to tell her a lie, so he tried to make sure he was home before Frankie. Phil nodded to him, and he nodded back, trying not to seem hostile towards the prospect, before he climbed into Baby and drove away. As soon as Gemma heard Dean's car leave, she began to cry. She wasn't sure what she should do, but Dean's threat scared her. She just knew she couldn't tell anyone...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I meant to post this update earlier this morning, but I was a bit busy. I took a few minutes out to post this though! What do you guys think?!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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